Guru Nanak Centre for Research

Guru Nanak Centre for Research

As a Centre for Excellence, Guru Nanak Centre for Research (GNCR) was founded in 2019, to commemorate the 550th Birth Anniversary of Shri Guru Nanak Devji. It includes a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research activities open to all researchers and academicians of Guru Nanak College, widening its horizon encompassing all Departments - Arts, Science, Commerce & Management studies. It is a premier Research Centre with a cutting-edge knowledge on the recent trends in Research ably conducted by Research Supervisors and Research Scholars (both stipendiary and non- stipendiary) from all disciplines. GNCR has in its fold, the women Scientists under the DST scheme and researchers under UGC-JRF scheme. The research projects undertaken by the research centers under GNCR is recognized by various funding agencies, such as UGC, DST, ICSSR and Ministry of Human Resource Development.

The Centre has two subsidiaries, "Student Research club" and the "IPR cell” providing platform even to under graduates who are keen in active research with their innovative acumen. Internal seed funding is provided to staff and students to encourage research leading to patent and product development.

GNCR includes G.S. Gill Research Institute for the exclusive research on insect- plant interaction. GNCR spreads its wings to online interactions across the globe by conducting Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, Faculty Development Programs, Research Development Programs, Industry Academia Conclaves and certificate courses on all disciplines.


Dr. S.E. Noorjahan

Dean – Research

Research Coordination Committee

The Research Coordination Committee consists of members of the Institution who are research guides from Sciences and Humanities. It is the advisory body to guide and ensure the smooth functioning in guiding research students and for submitting project proposals to funding agencies. They will monitor the research activities of the Institution in a collective manner. The research Coordination Committee will actively engage in the formulation of the research policy encompassing all research related matters which impact on the strategic objectives of the Institution by providing advice and assistance to facilitate development activities on research and provide guidance in conducting programmes related to research methodology and identify potential areas of research.

Chairperson Dr. M.G. Ragunathan
Convener Dr. J. Jayanthi
Members Dr. V.P. Nedunchezhian
Dr. T.K. Avvaikothai
Dr. L. R. S. Kalanithi
Dr. C. Murthy
Dr. G. Rajendran
Dr. M. Murthi
Dr. K. Jayaseelan
Dr. S. E. Noorjahan
Dr. R. Rangasamy
Dr.S.S. Jayaraj
Dr. S. Prem Mathi Maran

Research departments (Full Time and Part Time)

SI. No. Name of the Department Name of the Course
1 Commerce Ph.D.
2 Economics M.Phil and Ph.D.
3 Defence and Strategic Studies Ph.D.
4 Zoology Ph.D.
5 Chemistry Ph.D.

Research departments (Part Time)

SI. No. Name of the Department Name of the Course
1 Tamil Ph.D.
2 English Ph.D.


Dr. M. Murthi
M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D.

Grammar-Classical &Medieval Literature, Modern Literature

Dr. K. Jayaseelan
MA, Ph.D.

Folklore, Sangam Literature


Dr. L.R.S. Kalanithi
M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., PGCTE., DYDW., Ph.D.,

English Language Teaching


Dr. G. Rajendran
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

International Economics, Health Economics, Energy Economics

Dr. C. Murthy
M.A., M.Phil., M.Sc., M.B.A., Ph.D.


Dr. N. Malathi
M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D.

Human Development Index and Environmental Economics

Dr K. Murugan
M. A, M.Phil, Ph.D.

Public Finance Development economics

Dr S. Sasikumar
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Development & Environmental Economics

Defense & Strategic Studies

Dr. Nedunchezhiyan V P
M.A, M.Phil., Ph.D.

Internal Security / Military Geography

PG & Research Department of Commerce

Dr. T. K. Avvai Kothai
M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Human Resource Management

Dr. M. Kavitha
M.Com., M.Phil., MBA., Ph.D., SET, SET.

Information Technology, Banking and Financial Services

C. P. Senthil Kumar
M.Com., MBA., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D., NET., SET.

Income Tax and Statistics, Operation Research and all Accounts

Dr. K. Umadevi
M.Com., MPhil., MBA, PGDHE, Ph.D.

Human Resource Management

Dr. J. Mahalakshmi
M.Com., M.Phil., M.B.A., M.F.M., Ph.D.

Human Resource Management and Marketing

Dr. C. Revathy
M.Com., M.Phil., MBA., Ph.D.


PG & Research Department of Chemistry

Dr. S. E. Noorjahan
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Material chemistry and Nano chemistry

Dr. R Rangasamy
M.Sc., Ph.D.

Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry& Material Chemistry

Dr. A. Karthikeyani
M.Sc., M.Phil Ph.D.

Material Chemistry

PG & Research Department Of Advanced Zoology & Biotechnology

Dr. M.G. Ragunathan
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D

Crustacean Biology

Dr. J. Jayanthi
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., PGDESD

Crustacean Endocrinology

Dr. S. S. Jayaraj
M.Sc., Ph.D.

Invertebrate Immunology

Dept. of Commerce (Accounting & Finance)

Dr. Gayathri Harikumar
M.Com., MBA., MA., FCMA., UGC., NET.


Strategic Vision and Mission of GNCR

  • To reach out to the society's needs by instilling the research instinct of academicians and young researchers of Guru Nanak College.
  • To provide an opportunity to explore new avenues in Methods, Approaches and techniques for the overall development leading to meaningful research
  • To serve as a hub for individual projects with an out-of-box thinking
  • To transform the findings into applied and advanced Research.
  • To promote interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in order to improve the quality of life.
  • To build partnerships with industries, Research agencies and other universities within and outside the country.
  • To provide Grant - in - aid or internal seed funding to encourage the deserving young researchers among UG and PG students, Research Scholars and academicians
  • To unite the researchers across the continents under one roof - GNCR thereby fulfilling the motto of Guru Nanak College ‘Pro bono publico’ - for the benefit of all.

Research Projects

GNCR motivates and inspires members of the faculty to do research in collaboration with other higher institutions and research institutes in bringing out innovative and socially relevant research. GNCR has recognized the value of research culture among faculty members and recognizes quality research by means of internal seed money grant to both faculty and students in the form of minor/major research projects.

Title of the Projects Funding Agency Amount Type Status Duration Sanctioned Year Investigator Department
An investigation on the Entrepreneurial  traits of the Transgenders for the social transformation in Tamil Nadu ICSSR, New Delhi Rs. 3,00,000 Minor Ongoing 1 year 2022 Dr. S. Athilinga Senjith B. Com (Accounting & Finance)
Covid - 19 outbreaks and social education: the participation and challenges of SC students in Tamil Nadu ICSSR, New Delhi Rs. 3,00,000 Minor Ongoing 1 year 2022 Dr. S. Ulaganathan Economics
Training, Awareness and Capacity Building Programmes to Scheduled Caste Fishermen, Farmers, Youth and Women National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Govt of India Hyderabad Rs. 1,71,870 Minor Completed 3 Months 2021 Dr. J. Jayanthi Guru Nanak Centre for Research
IBM Volunteers Excellence Award IBM ( International Business Machines Corporation) Rs. 7,45,385 Minor Completed 1 year 2021 Dr. Rajini Surendranath Computer Science
Dynamic on Research Proposal preparation and scientific report writing, Biodiversity and Conservation - A Multidisciplinary Approach Tamil Nadu State Council of Higher Education Rs. 40,000 Minor Completed 1 year 2018 Dr. P. Shiny Biotechnology
Good Laboratory Practices, Innovation in computer technology and its application Tamil Nadu State Council of Higher Education Rs. 30,000 Minor Completed 1 year 2017 Dr. Amandeep Hora Biotechnology
Star College Scheme UGC (DBT) Rs. 68,00,000 Major Completed 3 year 2017 Dr. R. M. Ezhilarasi School of Sciences
Internal security: World Experience- to explore the capabilities of the states to manage internal security threats ICSSR Rs. 1,80,000 Minor Completed 1 year  2016 Dr. V.P. Neducheziyan Defence & Strategic Studies
Synthesis and Bioactivity study of Novine Derivatives of 1,3-Diketones UGC Rs. 2,85,000 Minor Completed 1 year 2014 Dr.Sanjeevi babu Chemistry

Doctoral Fellowship / Scholarship

Type Name of the Students  Fellowship / Scholarship Year of Award Duration of Project Amount Sanctioned Awarding Agency Department
State K. Keerthana Scholarship 2021-22 1 year Rs. 60,000 Department of Collegiate Education Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology
State Latha. C Scholarship 2021-22 1 year Rs. 60,000 Department of Collegiate Education Economics
State  Divya T Scholarship 2021-22 1 year Rs. 60,000 Department of Collegiate Education Economics

Research Scholar Fellowship

Type Name of the students awarded the fellowship Fellowship Date of Award Duration of Project Amount sanctioned Awarding agency Department
National Ms. D. Kalaivani JRF 14.08.2019 3 years 12,01,560 NF-OBC Chemistry
National Ms. R. S. M. Jayashree JRF 03.05.2019 3 years 10,20,000 UGC Commerce
National Ms. K. Kavitha Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship 14.10.2017 3 years 25,000 / month UGC Zoology

Research Scholar Scholarship

Type Name of the students awarded the fellowship Fellowship / Scholarship Date of Award Duration of Project Amount sanctioned Awarding agency Department
State Mr. K. KanakaRaj Scholarship 2019 1 year 50,000 Department of Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Scholarship (SC/ST) Zoology
State Ms.L.Jayalakshmi Scholarship 2019-2020 1 year 50,000 Department of Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Scholarship (SC/ST) Zoology
State Ms. J. Ranjitha Scholarship 2018 3 years 1,56,000 Department of Higher Education, Government of Tamilnadu (TNDCE) Zoology
State Ms.J. Gomathi Scholarship 2018 - 2020 3 year 1,50,000 Department of Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Scholarship (SC/ST) Zoology

Department of Tamil

Title of the Projects Funding Agency Amount Type Status Duration Sanctioned Year Investigator
Digitization of the Palm Leaf Manuscripts and Ancient Tamil Works University of Madras, Chennai 6000 Minor Completed 1 years 03.01.2008 Dr. Devaraj
Exploring the Primitive Epistemology and Ethnic Science of Tamils through Classical texts UGC 609600 Major Completed 2 years 01.07.2012 Dr. K. Jayaseelan

Department of English

Title of the Projects Funding Agency Amount Type Status Duration Sanctioned Year Investigator
Ideology of Mahatma Gandhi As Delineated in Modern Tamil Novels Central Institute of Indian Languages 30,000 Short Term study Grant (Minor) Ongoing 1 year 2020 Dr. M. Aneez

Department of Economics

Title of the Projects Funding Agency Amount Type Status Duration Sanctioned Year Investigator
Economic Assessment of Ecosystems Services of Pallikaranai Wetland in Chennai Metropolitan Region Malcolm & Elizabeth Adiseshiah Trust 1,00,000 Minor Ongoing 1 year 21-12-2021 Dr Malathi N
Accessibility of Rural Banking Credit and Farmer's Livelihood in Tamil Nadu ICSSR New Delhi 3,00,000 Minor Ongoing 1 year 08-07-2019 Dr. K. Murugan

Department of Chemistry

Title of the Projects Funding Agency Amount Type Status Duration Sanctioned Year Investigator
Synthesis and Bioactivity Studies of Novel Heterocyclic Compounds UGC 17,5000 Minor Completed 18 Months 10.08.2012 Dr. R.M. Ezhilarasi
Synthesis Od Nano Upconversion Materials UGC 23,20,000 Minor Completed 2 years 13.01.2015 Dr A. Karthikeyani
Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Novel, Amorphous, Heterocyclic Graft and Cross-Linked Copolymers of Chitosan Department of Science and Technology 1,75,000 Major Completed 3 Years 12.03.2012 Dr. S.E. Noorjahan
Synthesis and Exploration of Aqueous Phase Catalysis of Magnetic Dendron Nanohybrid Materials DST-SERB, GoI. 20,80,000 Major Ongoing 3 Years 21.03.2017 Dr. K. Rangasamy

Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology

Title of the Projects Funding Agency Amount Type Status Duration Sanctioned Year Investigator
Pharmacological investigation of Tabebuia rosea (Bertol.) DC. Tamil Nadu State Council for Science & Technology. Rs. 2,62,000/- Minor Completed 1 Year 2013 - 14 Dr. S. Natarajan

Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology

Title of the Projects Funding Agency Amount Type Status Duration Sanctioned Year Investigator
Influence of Fenfluramine on The Gonadal Development and on The Biochemical Mobilization in A Female Fresh Water Crab, Paratelphusa hydrodromous (Herbst). Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology 13,000 Student Minor Project Completed 1 Year 1999-2000 Dr. Ragunathan M G
Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Certain Crustaceans of Pulicat Lake in Tamil Nadu UGC 1,20,000 Minor Completed 2 Years Sep, 2009 Dr J. Jayanthi
Effects of Methyl Farnesoate on the Gonadal Development of a Freshwater crab, Paratelphusa hydrodromous UGC 1,00,000 Minor Completed 2 Year Feb 2005 PI-Dr. Ragunathan M G
Co- PI- Dr J. Jayanthi
Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyls(Aroclor 1254) On the Reproduction of a Female Crab, S. tranquebarica and The Ameliorative Effects of Vitamins C and E UGC 1,30,000 Minor Completed 21 months Sep 2009 Dr. Ragunathan M G
Isolation, Purification and Anti-microbial Activity of Beta 1,3 Glucan Binding Protein from The Serum of Marine Hermit Crab Diogenes affins DST-SERB 5,50,000 Major Completed 1 Year 23-03-2016 Dr.S.S. Jayaraj
Smart dressing based on collagen exhibiting anti-bacterial ,anti- inflammatory and anti-collagenase activity DST-WOS 31,63,240 Major On going 3 years 28.06.2018 Dr. R. Sripriya
Extraction and Characterization of Glycoaminoglycans From Shrimp Waste and Assessment of Its Wound Healing Property Tamil Nadu State Council of Science and Technology 7500 Student Research Project Completed 6 Months 26-11-2019 Dr J. Jayanthi

Department of Commerce

Title of the Projects Funding Agency Amount Type Status Duration Sanctioned Year Investigator
Application of Total Quality Management in Educational Institutions: A Model Study UGC 6,80,0000 Major Completed 3 years 2012 PI- Dr. Marlene Morais
Co- PI- Dr. G. John Joseph Adaikalam
Co- PI- Dr. S. Manikandan

Department of Master of Business Administration

Title of the Projects Funding Agency Amount Type Status Duration Sanctioned Year Investigator
Gender Stereotyping in Occupation National Commission for Women, New Delhi 1,42,000 Minor Completed I year 16-03-2019 Dr D. Shoba

Awards & Recognition

SI. No Department Name of the staff Type Name of the award Level Name of the awarding Agency


1 English Dr. Indra Balini Award Best Paper award National GSS Jain College, Vepery
2 Biotechnology Dr. Bharathi Ravikrishnan Award Best Paper award in Oral Presentation National T.S.Naryanaswami College of Arts and Science in association with Zoological Society of India
3 Biotechnology Dr. Bharathi Ravikrishnan Award Best Paper award in Oral Presentation National Indian Science Congress Association, Imphal
4 MBA Dr. M.K.Shakila Award Young Faculty award National Centre for Advanced Research and Design, Venus International Foundation
5 MSW Dr. S. Yesu Suresh Raj Fellowship ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship National Indian Council Social Science Research (Ministry of Human Resource Development), New Delhi.
6 Chemistry Mr. A. Sridhar Fellowship Junior Research Fellowship National Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi


7 Commerce Dr. T. K. Avvai Kothai Award Best Paper award International Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women
8 Commerce Dr. K. Umadevi Award Best Paper award National Guru Nanak College, Guru Nanak Salai, Chennai.
9 Zoology Dr. J. Jayanthi Award Prof. Mrs. Shashikala Belsare Gold Medal National Indian Academy of Environmental Science , Haridwar
10 Zoology Dr. M. G. Ragunathan Award Dr. K.K Tyagi Gold Medal National Indian Academy of Environmental Science , Haridwar
11 Biotechnology Dr. P. Mahalakshmi Fellowship Honorary Fellowship award National Indian Academy of Environmental Sciences, Haridwar


12 Biotechnology Dr. Bharathi Ravikrishnan Award Best Paper award In Oral Presentation National Indian Academy of Environmental Sciences, Haridwar
13 Marketing Management Ms. M. L. Maya Lekshmi Award NFED-Best Women Educator & Researcher award National National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development, Coimbatore
14 Computer application Ms. N. Jayalakshmi Award Smart Indian Hackathon, 2017 National MHRD - Govt. of India
15 Commerce Dr. S. Manikandan Award Best Social Scientist award 2017 National Indian Academic Researchers Association.
16 Zoology Dr. M. G. Ragunathan Award Prof T. S. Dutta Munshi Medal National Zoological Society of award
17 Tamil Dr. M. Shyamala Award Barathi Tamizh Selvar International Kolkatha Thamizh Mandram - Krishnagiri Govt. Arts of Women & Thamizhaiya Kalvi Kazhagam, Krishnagiri
18 Commerce Dr. T. K. Avvai Kothai Award Best Paper award International Annai Veilankanni's College for Women, Chennai
19 English MS. R. Radhika Award Best Paper Presenter International GRABS Educational Charitable Trust ,Chennai


20 Biotechnology Dr. P. Mahalakshmi Award Scientific Excellence award National Biozone Research Technologies, Chennai
21 Chemistry Mr. A. Sridhar Fellowship Senior Research Fellowship National Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi.
22 Computer science Ms. G. Vijayalakshmi Balaji Award Young Researcher - Computer Science - Big Data National Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR), Chennai
23 Commerce Dr. T. K. Avvai Kothai Award Life Time Achievement award National DK International Research Foundation
24 MBA Dr. M.K. Shakila Award Young Educator and Scholar award National National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development
25 Tamil Dr. M. Shyamala Award Saiva Thamizh Sudar award International Thanjavur Tamil University in association with Morisiyas Manikavasagar Thirukootam & Thamizhaiya Kalvi Kazhagam,Thanjavur
26 Chemistry Ms. D. Kalavani Fellowship NF - OBC Fellowship National UGC
27 Zoology Dr. R. Sripriya Fellowship Women Scientist scheme National Department of science and technology (DST)


28 Zoology Dr. M. G. Ragunathan Award Best Scientist award National Society of Life Science, Satna, Madhya Pradesh
29 Commerce Dr. Avvai Kothai Award Achievement award For Teaching and Research National GRABS Educational Charitable Trust ,Chennai
30 Commerce Dr. Avvai Kothai Award Life Time Achievements National award National IRDP Group of Journals
31 Commerce Dr. K. Umadevi Award Best Paper award International Guru Nanak College, Guru Nanak Salai, Chennai.
32 Commerce Dr. J. Mahalakshmi Award Best Paper award International Guru Nanak College (Autonomous)
33 Marketing Management Ms. M. L Maya Lekshmi Award Young Faculty Excellence award International Global Multidisciplinary Research and Academic Foundation, Chennai
34 Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Dr. Poonam Sethi Award Best Paper Presentation award National Bapu Degree College, Bengaluru
35 Tamil Mr. D. Sakthivel Award Newgen Achievers awards 2019 International World Peace University, USA
36 Commerce Mr. R. S. M. Jayasree Fellowship UGC - NET JRF National UGC


37 Tamil Dr. Devaraj Award Ilam Aringar Viruthu National Porunai Ilakkiya Kazhagam & Tamilnalam Arakkattalai, Chennai
38 Commerce Dr. Avvai Kothai Award Best Paper award International ST. Peter's Institute of Higher Education and Research
39 Commerce Dr. K.Umadevi Award Best Paper award - 2020 National Parishod Journal - UGC CARE List Journal
40 Honours Dr. Geetha Award Kalam Arivu Maamani award State Kalam UV Foundation, Tamil Nadu
41 Honours Ms. J. Saranya Award Best Researcher State Puduchery Academic Researchers Association
42 Marketing Management Ms. M. L. Maya Lekshmi Award Best Women Educator award In Commerce International Pearl Foundation of India
43 Tamil Dr. M. Murthy Award Kalam Arivu Maamani award National Kalam UV Foundation, Tamil Nadu
44 Tamil Dr. P. Vinayagam Award Dr Radhakrishnan award State International Institute of Tamil Studies, Chennai.
45 Tamil Ms. Selva Rosary Puspha Award Dr Radhakrishnan award State International Institute of Tamil Studies, Chennai.
46 Tamil Dr. P. Sasirekha Award Dr Radhakrishnan award State International Institute of Tamil Studies, Chennai.
47 Tamil Dr. P. Sasirekha Award Vaanamaamalai award State Research Center for Sangam Literature, Perambalur
48 Tamil Dr. P. Sasirekha Award Aranerichudar award International Australia Kalai Ilakkiya Mandram & Thiruvaiyaaru Tamil Aiya Kalvi Kazhakam
49 Tamil Dr. P. Sasirekha Award Kalam Arivu Maamani award National Kalam UV Foundation, Tamil Nadu
50 Tamil Dr. P. Sasirekha Award Arul Jothi award State Vishva Sivananthan Arakkattalai & Painthamil Ilakkiya Peravai
51 Tamil Dr. M. Shyamala Award Araneri Sudar award International Australia Kalai Ilakkiya Mandram & Thiruvaiyaaru Tamil Aiya Kalvi Kazhakam
52 Tamil Dr. M. Shyamala Award Arul Jothi award State Vishva Sivananthan Arakkattalai & Painthamil Ilakkiya Peravai

G.S. Gill Research Institute

Ideally situated in the sylvan surroundings of the Guindy Reserve Forest, the research Institute provides a quiet and inspiring environment for higher research. Named after Lt. Col. G.S. Gill, Father of the Sikh Community in Chennai, and the Founder of the Guru Nanak College, the Institute is located within the campus of the Guru Nanak College at Velachery, Chennai. The G.S. Gill Research Institute, as it is known now, aims at paving the way in the pursuit of basic and applied research as well as fostering extension activities in various fields.

The G.S. Gill Research Institute was formally inaugurated on the 3rd day of August, 1990 by Dr. M.A.M. Ramaswamy, Pro-Chancellor of the Annamalai University. The institute commenced functioning with Mr. M. Gopalakrishnan, then Chairman of the Indian Bank, handing over the first set of books symbolically inaugurating the research library and handing over the cheque for a lakh of rupees for establishing the research library. Hence the library has been named after the Indian bank. Prof. T.N. Ananthakrishnan, the doyen of Entomology in India, inaugurated the various research schemes of the Institute. To mark the occasion, a National Seminar on “Grasshoppers, Locusts and agriculture” was held in the Institute, funded by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi and the Tamil Nadu state Council for Science and Technology.

With a clear vision and future development of the Institute in mind, Lt. Gen. I. S. Gill paved the way by making it as an autonomous unit and an MOU was executed by the president of the Guru Nanak Educational Society giving an independent status to the Institute in the College with effort from the year 2005.The Institute was further recognized for Research leading to Master of Philosophy in Zoology in the year 2008.

Re-Inauguration of GRI

GRI received a face lift at the Maharani Devi Vidyavati Block on the 24th of August 2015 with Dr. S. Natarajan, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology taking over as the Director, Dr. J. Jayanthi, Associate Professor, Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology as the Deputy Director. With a modest new beginning the GRI will function as a centralized platform for promoting interdisciplinary research and exchange of ideas with all the research Departments of Guru Nanak College.


  • Identify and initiate foundational research on insect-plant interaction.
  • To disseminate the up to-date scientific knowledge among the academicians involved in research.
  • The Institute aims at paving way for the pursuit of basic and applied research as well as fostering extension activities in various fields of Life Sciences.
  • To function as a centralized platform for promoting interdisciplinary research and exchange of ideas with all research Departments of Guru Nanak College.


  • To upgrade as a Centre for excellence in Applied Research.
  • To promote industrial collaboration involving active R&D Projects.
  • To Serve as an exclusive Research centre for Multidisciplinary Research.

Programmes Offered

S.No. Name of the Institute Name of the Course Nature of the Course
1. G.S.Gill Research Institute M.Phil in Zoology and Ph.D. in Insect – Plant Interaction FT/ PT

IPR Cell

Intellectual property is critical in establishing a strategic framework for every institution. Intangible properties such as technologies, licenses, trademarks, prototypes, and other novel and creative concepts are more valuable than tangible assets. Research and Innovation in our Nation emerge both from industry as well as academic institutions and Guru Nanak College recognizes the need for academic contributions and to come up with innovative solutions to age old problems. In today’s era, where intellectual property rights (IPRs) are internationally enforceable, the need to impart knowledge about the different forms of IPRs and their protection to the young generation is very much mandatory in order to develop a conducive environment where they are equipped to create novel and original innovations and protect them simultaneously.

The GNC IPR Cell was inaugurated on 7th March 2020, is devoted to support promote and develop the various Intellectual Properties such as Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks , among other things, which are created by the College as well as to help the general public by imparting awareness, information and knowledge regarding IPR. The cell builds favorable atmosphere in the academia for the creation and improvement of the various Intellectual Properties. Faculty and students of GNC are actively participating in the IPR filing process in different disciplines.


In recognition of active participation in the National Intellectual Property

Awareness Mission (NIPAM) launched by the Government of India, GNC received the Certificate of Appreciation.

IPR Cell Committee

Chairperson Dr. Avvai Kothai T K Principal
Coordinator Dr. Mahendrakumar M Assistant Professor Biotechnology
Members Dr. Bhuvaneswari S Assistant Professor & Head PG Zoology
Dr. Dolly Assistant Professor Hindi (SFS)
Dr. Lavanya V Assistant Professor, Biotechnology & Research Coordinator, Animal Cell Culture Lab


To educate academic and non-academic personnel, researchers, alumni, and outside organizations about the practices of establishing and protecting intellectual property rights and commitments within the framework of the IPR policy of Guru Nanak College


  • To foster academic and intellectual independence, as well as to protect inventors' rights in the production and commercialization of intellectual property, by providing legal assistance where possible.
  • To develop an atmosphere for gaining novel information gained by invention and new ideas.
  • To create an IPR community that is compatible with our institution's educational purpose by extending a realistic IP management strategy.

Action Plan

  • Hold conferences, lectures, and training courses on IPR
  • Disseminate information on patents, the patent regime in India and abroad, and validation facets
  • Include guidance on prospective initiatives about patent registration processes
  • Motivate faculty members and academics to pursue patentable works
  • To conduct Certificate/ Diploma courses on IPR.
  • To conduct outreach programmes in the form of workshops, programmes, and conferences on areas on IPR
  • To build IP database for effective networking between all stake holders and build an IPR community with contributions from government agencies and non-government organizations.

Events of IPR

S. No Date Event Title Resource Person
1. 5.2.2020 National Seminar
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Mr. Sanjai Gandhi, President, IPR Attorney Association, Chennai
Technical Session I:
Overview of IPR
Mr. CS D. Mohana Sundaram, Associate Member with ICSI and ICMAI, CPA in Washington Board of Accounting and Practicing Company Secretary
Technical Session II :
Patent System
Mr. Joy Ghosh, Director, The Board of Indian Council of Ceramics, Tiles & Sanitaryware (a CII & Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India Body) & Director, Board of Build 4 India – Joint Venture Co.
Technical Session III :
IPR Assets – Adds Value to Business
CS Dr. Ahalada Rao, Fellow Member & Central Council Member, ICSI, New Delhi, Practicing CS, Ahalada Rao and Associates, Hyderabad
Technical Session IV:
Trademarks and its Law
Mr. M. Mohammed Habibulla, Asst. Registrar of Trademarks, IPR, Chennai.
Technical Session V:
Copyrights and its application
Mr. K. Saravanan, Legal Session In-Charge Trademarks Registry, IPR, Chennai
Valedictory Address
IPR in India and the responsibility of youth for its development
Mr. N. Shastry Tata, Managing Director, RSM Astute Consulting, Chennai
2. 7.03.2020 Workshop
Intellectual Property Rights & Innovations Mr. B. Ahilan, Deputy Controller of Patents and Designs
Introduction to IPR and Scopes of Patents Mr. B. Ahilan, Deputy Controller of Patents and Designs, Indian Patent Office, Chennai under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. Solutions, Bengaluru - 560 100.
Technical Session I:
Overview of Intellectual Property Rights
Ms. Priyadarsini Shanmugam, Partner and Director, Patwise Consulting.
Enforcement of IP Ms. Malavika Vikram, Senior IP Attorney and Advocate, De Penning and De Penning, Chennai
3. 26.04.2020 E-Quiz World Intellectual Property Day Quiz -
4. 17.06.2020 Workshop IPR and Patent related job opportunities Mrs. Pooja Vishal Maulikar, Examiner of Patents & Design, RGNIIPM, Nagpur
4. 29.1.2021 National Webinar Patenting of Biotechnological Invention in India Dr. Sharana Gowda Group Leader, Biotechnological Division, Assistant controller of Patent and design, The Patent Office , Guindy , Chennai
6. 08-02-2021 to 18-02-2021 National Webinar -Sensitization Program on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)”
IPR- An Introduction Dr. V. Jeyaraman, Associate Professor, Dept. of Tamil, Guru Nanak College
History of IPR Mr. M. SenthilKumar, Associate Professor, Dept. of Tamil, Guru Nanak College
IPR Related Sectors Mr. J. Jai Samyak, Associate Professor, Dept. of Tamil, Guru Nanak College
Patents Mrs. M. Selva Rosary Pushpa, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Tamil, Guru Nanak College
Copyrights Dr. P. Sasireka, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Tamil, Guru Nanak College
Trademarks Dr. S. Kokila, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Tamil, Guru Nanak College
Geographical Indications Dr. M. Devaraj, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Tamil, Guru Nanak College
Plagiarism Dr. K. Amaresan, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Tamil, Guru Nanak College
IPR Law Dr. K. Muthupandi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Tamil, Guru Nanak College
How to apply for the Copy rights and patent? Dr. M. Shyamala, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Tamil, Guru Nanak College
7. 26.4.2021 E- Quiz World Intellectual Property Day Quiz -

G.S. Gill Research Institute as Incubation Centre

Incubation & Startup Centre

Guru Nanak College has launched an Incubation and Start Up Centre to provide first-hand experience in entrepreneurship to its students and promote innovation-driven activities at the Institution. The Incubation and Start Up Centre would provide a comprehensive and integrated range of support, including space, mentoring, training programmes, networking, and a variety of other services. Students obtain hands-on expertise in creativity and entrepreneurship while being nurtured and supported by faculty, management, government bodies and business leaders through the incubation Centre.

The Incubation Centre together with the start-up team, aspires to be a centre for high-impact projects in the social, educational, commercial, and other sectors. It aspires to impart skill-based training and to inculcate the spirit of entrepreneurship among the students during their years in the College.

Incubation Centre

Guru Nanak Centre for Research is the central hub for research within Guru Nanak College in both Sciences and Humanities, with one of its primary functions is to track research within the Institution and update it for commercialization with social significance. GNCR, as an incubation center, has been connecting diverse fields in order to promote creative science and explore entrepreneurship skills. The primary goal of GNCR as incubation Centre is to educate researchers and students about the value of technology transfer and product growth, as well as to provide a viable ecosystem for them to do so.

Roles of Incubation Centre

  • Promotion of new ideas
  • Organizing training camps for industry-academia collaboration where students may highlight their study outputs.
  • To meet the aspirations of young people in order for them to become active entrepreneurs
  • Capital projects will be monitored in terms of funding, consumption and profit/loss.
  • To assist researchers in scaling up their inventions for commercialization by acting as service providers.
  • To promote start-ups, arrange workshops/seminars/conferences in collaboration with various sectors.
  • To provide incubates the interactive framework with government Institutions, corporate sectors, and R&D organizations both in India and abroad.
  • Including teachers, research scholars, and professors in the comprehension of ground breaking commercial creative research and entrepreneurship.

GNCR - Startup Centre

The Guru Nanak Centre for Research's Startup Centre is a shining beacon for students who wish to follow a route less explored. The cell is a group dedicated solely to fostering entrepreneurship within the student fraternity. The Startup Centre delivers seed funding, resources, mentorship, legal assistance and technological skills to ambitious entrepreneurs. The startup Centre aims to serve as a stepping stone for its thriving incubatees to help them overcome economic challenges, innovative blocks and business conditions. The Centre with its proper mix between theory and practise and first-rate tools and advice bridges the distance between the industry and aids the students towards entrepreneurial path. With the prior startup experience, product knowledge, and industry skills provided to the students the start-ups incubated under the incubation and start up centre is aimed to convert these incubatees into successful business ventures in future.

ED Cell

Entrepreneurship Development Cell of our college is a key contributor to the startup centre by providing innovativeness and product improvement and plays a pivotal role to employment creation. Our College staff members are qualified professionals in entrepreneurship development programs both by the governmental and non-governmental agencies. ED cell and the start-up center play an integrated part in transforming budding entrepreneurs into job creators directly after graduation, as well as providing a forum to turn the student's creative concepts into a sustainable business, which meets many of the needs of students to become dynamic entrepreneurs.

GNCR startups & GNC NDevour

To build the physical infrastructure and support systems needed for business incubation activities GNC N Devour was formed in the year 2017


History / Background of the Company

A considerable need for (Entrepreneurship and start-ups by students) has been realized and thus the need for a Mock company GNC NDevour in campus is imperative. GNC NDevour has been proposed to provide students of Guru Nanak College the platform to explore & hone their entrepreneurial skills and leadership skills.

The company has been formed in September 2017 by 120 students of the department of B.Com (Honours) .The company is funded by GNC students and the teachers who made investments in the company portfolio.

The Main Objects to be pursued by the company on its incorporation were: -

  • To Trade in all Kinds of goods
  • To start a food court for supply of quality and quantity food items
  • To put up stalls pertaining to Apparels and Accessories and sell at an economical price
  • To Collaborate with event management companies and earn income for the company
Organizational Structure of the Company

GNC’s NDevour consists of various key managerial personnel, performing major roles pertaining to finance, marketing, production, purchase, HR & PR

The Key Managerial Personnel are: -

  • President
  • Vice President
  • CEO
  • CFO
  • Company Secretary
  • Manager
    1. Purchase Manager
    2. Production Manager
    3. Finance Manager
    4. Marketing Manager
    5. HR Manager
    6. Public Relation Officer Manager
  • Executives

Operations Report

GNC nDevour prides a vast array of operations, which have been carried out by the students of the Department of B.Com (Honours), under the guidance of the staff and management.

These operations include day-to-day operations, occasion-based/month-based stalls and special collaboration projects.

Day-to-day Operations:

The day-to-day operations of GNC nDevour includes the sale of stationeries as well as conduct of Xerox operations within the campus.

Xerox and stationery shops are manned by the students of B.Com (Honours) based on a schedule allotted to the students by the Mock Company Portfolio with the approval of the staff.

It enables the students to develop skills of book-keeping and managing operations/sales in a shop environment.

Occasion/Month – Based Stalls:

Stalls are special events organized and conducted by GNC nDevour to generate revenue on the basis of an upcoming event, or based on a monthly schedule including participating (setting up a stall) in the Hindu Spiritual Fair.

These stalls are pre-planned events held over the course of 1-2 days. Items included for sale are clothing and apparels, accessories and food items from live counters.

The stalls enable students who organize to develop skills of planning and event management and also improve the skills of those involved in operations such as sales, record keeping and other ancillary skills such as cooking and culinary presentation.

Collaboration Projects:

  • GNC nDevour has undertaken collaboration with SWABODHINI School & Vocational Centre for Special Children to provide their students unique opportunities to benefit from the operations of the Mock Company.
  • Students of Swabodhini participated in the stalls conducted by GNC nDevour to sell hand-made lamps to the students and staff of Guru Nanak College.
  • Swabodhini students were also trained to operate the Xerox machine by student volunteers of GNC nDevour.
  • Such collaboration activities are carried out to ensure that practical knowledge and experience is instilled upon special children by providing them equal opportunities to learn and grow.

Department of Business Administration


In order to promote and foster Entrepreneurial Development among students, BBA department made a maiden attempt to provide a platform to student to express their Entrepreneurial spirit in the start-up ELIXIR. The start-up aims to encourage entrepreneurs to connect with buyers and thus, empower them through financial inclusion. This program will encourage grassroots innovators and creative entrepreneurs.

B.Sc., Biotechnology

Hand Sanitizer and Hand-Made Soaps

Department of Biotechnology has prepared Hand sanitizers as per WHO guidelines, in five different variants. (Peppermint, Lavender, Rosemary, Tea tree oil, Lemon grass and Peach). The department of biotechnology have also prepared 9 variants of Hand-made soaps from vegetable and fruit base. As a start up the above ventures have been receiving a wide appreciation and support. Due to its ecofriendly approach and customized preparation according to pre request the startup is blooming into as a successful business venture.

Department of Computer Science

Web and App Development

The Department of Computer Science has established an efficient and effective e-governance system by incorporating latest technologies to build an efficient e-governance in the areas of Academic, Administrative, Research and Extension through in-house developed modules. The modules are designed by an in-house team headed in an intricate, dynamic and customizable format and ensures security features. The following are the operational module run successfully in our institutions: Admission, Faculty, Student, Parent, Department, Examination, Research, Placement, Alumni, Event management, Attendance app, Biometric attendance for staff and research scholars, Extension, File management, e-circulars, e-academic calendar, Leave management and feedback system.

Objectives of the startup
  • To develop structured data collection method
  • To reduce variations and mismatches of data at various levels
  • To ensure transparency in the system and to reduce manpower
  • To make data highly accessible and retrievable
  • To ensure data validation and avoid duplication of data
  • To transform manual process into end to end automation in all arenas of the institute
  • To implement the project in higher education systems for effective governance (as per the policies)
  • To develop comprehensive e-governance framework in the challenging areas of Higher Education System

B.Sc., Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology

Landscape Gardening

Landscape architecture is one of the booming industries. The Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology gives comprehensive training to prepare students to enter the Landscape gardening sector. Through the land scape gardening training program the students will learn the art of beautifying and creating aesthetic exteriors. A student undergoing this training program will get to indulge in landscape planning, flooring, maintenance and designing. Through this experience and support students will be able to own and manage horticulture and landscaping businesses of their own.

Department of Chemistry

Simple Chemicals

The department of Chemistry is training the student on the start up ventures on preparing simple chemicals which are developed into effective commercialized household products such as detergent powder, phenyl, dish wash powder and dish wash liquid. The household cleaning products market has the potential to grow rapidly in the next few years and this start up will provide ample opportunities for young entrepreneurs to capitalize the market growth.

Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology

Ornamental Fishes

‘Ornamental Fish’ is one of the most preferred hobby in India. The increasing demand for ornamental fish is creating job opportunities for supply of these types of fishes. This industry provides great opportunity for entrepreneurship development and income generation for those who produce the ornamental fish as well as provide equipment’s and services in this business segment. The department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology is providing the training to students on identification of ornamental fishes, ornamental fish culture, and maintenance and disease management in these fishes. Ornamental aquaculture is one of many promising job alternatives since it is easy to start and requires less space and has the potential to grow well. The training provides a complete picture on ornamental fish as a startup as well as hand holding to students who are interested in taking up ornamental fish culture as a business venture.

Spirulina Culture

Spirulina is a lesser-known super food with a strong demand and a well-established rising segment. Spirulina culture is especially important to women since it is a low-capital-investment enterprise that can be cultivated close to home. This has a lot of promise in terms of diversifying the artisanal fishing industry and improving regional exchange and food security. Training in spirulina production and value-added goods will open up many possibilities for self-employment

Student Research Club

The Guru Nanak Centre for Research has made great strides in instilling research-based practices among students through the Student Research Club. The Students through the Student research club are engaged in accordance with extensive research and Curriculum based learning.

The Student Research Club is responsible for engaging (Undergraduate / Postgraduate, M.Phil) students to take up challenges in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary areas of research and construction activity. Students will use this forum to explore their concepts and perspectives on Research indefinitely.


  • To provide the students with a series of opportunities to improve their research skills, ranging from simple to advanced using various approaches.
  • Encourage, Guide and Monitor the young researchers to submit scientific articles for publication in journals
  • Motivate students to present their research findings at national and international conferences/seminars/symposium/Scientific exhibits
  • To educate the students on research funding agencies and to prepare them in writing research proposals
  • Meetings are organized by the club members to discuss and understand the research interests and to explore the potential scope in cutting across disciplines for outcome-based research
  • The student research club activities are organized and conducted by the students themselves which hones their leadership skills as well as in identifying and understanding their areas of interest in research.

Students Research Club - In career opportunities

The Students Research Club further supports students in achieving their goal of research findings. The students are exposed to the intricacies of entrepreneurship abilities, as well as the opportunities and obstacles that self-employment presents. The club conducts workshops and other programs to assist students in choosing a career path; the approach is outlined below.

On 16th September 2019, the club organized a Five days’ Workshop on “Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Technology and Product Development” in collaboration with the Food and Nutrition Board, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India.

Students Research club – Individual and Group Projects

Students Research club of GNCR facilitates and encourages research culture among students. Its prime role is to create contacts among individual and research Institutions to promote research through a range of minor projects leading to publications. It enables a congenial environment for technological development.

Students Research club takes upon the responsibility of creating a work place to attract the best talent and strives continuously in pooling of skills and internal resources, creating strategy, overcoming limitations.

The Students Research Club sensitizes the students on intercollegiate research resources and inspiring them to submit original work. Sensitization programmes are held by the club to help students develop their writing and analytical skills.

Student – Seed Grant Scheme

To encourage the students to take up research in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary areas and to inculcate passion driven research among students of Under Graduation and post graduation, the students are given seed grant as short term fellowship to pursue their research. Every year GNCR will call for Research Proposals from the interested students of UG and PG. The best novel proposal is scrutinized from various aspects and will be called for further discussion and presentation. Selected projects are meticulously and regularly mentored and in-house consultancy and facilities are provided to do their research.

Seed Money Grant (2019-2020)

Students Minor Projects
S. No Name of the Candidate Name of the Mentor Shift- I/ Shift II Title of the Project Department UG/PG Budget Sanctioned (Rs.) Initial Grant
1. R. Udhaya S. Gokul Dr. S. Sharmila Shift I In vitro studies on the antibacterial and antioxidant properties of bioactive compounds of ginger extract Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology UG 5000 5,000
2. Shanmuga Priya.N
Dr.S. S. Jayanthi Shift I Eco friendly synthesis of metal organic framework luminescent nano particles (MOFNP), characterization and their entended application as sensors and biological labelers Chemistry PG 10,000 5,000
3. L.Suresh
Dr. S. E. Noorjahan Shift I Fabrication and Characterization of biocompatible films - Evaluation of antibacterial, antioxidant and pH indicator activities Chemistry PG 10,000 5,000
Projects Undertaken through the Student Research Club
S.No. Name of Students Title Department
1. Nimal Mani and Parathasarathi Antibiotic production by shake flask technique from the rhizosphere isolate and antibacterial activity E.coli and Staphylococcus aureus B.Sc. Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology
2. Suriya prakash.A
Kalyana sundar. V
Aksa Wilfred. C
Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity of the extracts from C.helicacabum and C.collinus B.Sc. Biotechnology
3. Ashvika Rajeev
Preparation of stock cultures of different bacterial species
4. Ashwani Chauhan
Deepshika Gogoi
Antibacterial properties of Bergenia ciliata
5. Vijay. R
Anushiya. A
Milonjonnis .A R
Antibacterial activity of Aloe vera leaf extract
6. Mouriya Prasad. T
Navarshika. B
Shankaranarayanan. V
Hariharan. H
Sivasankari. S
Antibacterial activity of Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract
7. G.Balaji Extraction and Characterization of carotenoid from peels of carrot (Daucus carotes), Red banana (Musa accuminata), Orange (Citrus sinensis) and antioxidant property analysis
8. A.Kavitha
Isolation and characterization of plant growth promoting Azotobacter spp from Guru Nanak College campus soil sample.
9. S. Dhanalakshmi
M. Bagath
G.Rudhra Prakash
Isolation and characterization of Biofuel producing microbes from gut of Penaeus indicus.
10. Susannal
S. Nivetha
K. Durga Devi
T. Chandru
K. Bhuvanesh Chander
Bioefficacy of various solvents extracts of Justicia gendarussa, Vitex negundo and Atlantia monophyla.
11. B.N. Manikandan
D. Dilli
M. Vasanthan
R. Gurunathan
Bioefficacy of various solvents extracts of Mimusops elengi, Alpinia officinarum.
12. S. Vaibhav Healing Effect of Spirulina on Ammonia Poisoning in Oranda Wen Fishes. B.Sc. Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology
13. I. Swararaman Effect of Spirulina Incorporated Fish Feed on Pigmentation and Growth of Oranda Goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus)
14. E. Surrendaran Effect of Light in Increasing the Pigmentation in Oranda Goldfish.


Guru Nanak College (Autonomous) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a number of industries to bridge the divide between academic deliveries and business needs and thereby increase the employability of students. Our tie-ups with various National and International Universities offer study programs and internship that would help the students and faculty to gain knowledge in their chosen field of study. These MOU’s are aimed to generate an opportunity of student and faculty exchange amongst Universities and to create cooperation programs in curriculum development and skill-based certification courses. The Collaboration with research Institutions, industries and higher educational Institutions offers students direct experience, allowing them to leverage observational abilities and reflection to adapt fresh insights learned from the experience to their classroom learning.

MoUs Signed with Institutions of National, International Importance, other Institutions, Industries and Corporate Houses
Organisation Date of MoU signed Purpose/Activities
Scope International Pvt. Ltd., 22.07.2013 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Tulsyan Nec Ltd., 09.07.2013 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
M/S Westin Chennai 17.04.2013 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
M/S Sinecera Group of Co., 18.04.2013 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Velu Muthu Associates 18.04.2013 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
R. Venugopalan Associates 14.04. 2013 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
M/S Nesto Institute of Finance 07.07.2015 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
M/S Kalyanasundaram & Co. 26.10.2015 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
M/S Allsec Technologies 18.01.2016 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
M/S Global Talent Track Pvt. Ltd.(GTT) 31.08.2016 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Acciva E-Commerce Venture Pvt Ltd. 10.11.2016 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Phalgane Infotech Pvt. Ltd., 7.11.2016 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Hubert Enviro Care Systems (p) Ltd 05.09.2018 To conduct short term courses, Collaborative Research work, Patent and commercialization of Research product, Internship and possible placements
Madras Management Association 06.09.2018 To assist students in developing relevant knowledge and experience in their management careers.
Foundation for CSR @ Redington 28/01/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Arun Excello 20-05-2019 Sponsored the conference by providing Rs. 25,000
ESAI & Co. 02/07/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Bakspaces Infra Solutions 02/07/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Blue eyes intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication 27/08/2019 Publication of articles in Scopus Journals
TJPRC Pvt. Ltd 26/08/2019 Publication of articles in International Journals
SSN College of Engineering 23/11/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Raghava Tax Consultants 24/11/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Vijay Garments 25/11/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Littleberries Enterprises 30/11/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Rajagopal & Badri Narayanan, CAs 30/11/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Sai Ramana Enterprises 16/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
AP Exports 16/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
PHA India Pvt. Ltd. 16/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Kun Motor Company Pvt. Ltd. 16/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Seoyon E-HWA Automotive India (P)Ltd. 16/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
J.S & Co. 16/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
M/S. Ganesh and Sankaran Chartered Accountants 16/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Zulaikha Motors Pvt. Ltd. 16/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Sugam Supply Chain Pvt. Ltd. 17/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Vignesh Enterprises 17/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Universal Relocations India Pvt. Ltd. 17/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
M/S. Adyar Motors Pvt. Ltd. 18/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
S. Raveekumar 18/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Promptekk Benefit Fund Ltd. 18/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
M/S. V Vignesh & Associates 24/12/2019 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
CSC Computer Education 04/01/2020 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Easwara & Co. 04/01/2020 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Sooriya Hospital 05/01/2020 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Silverskies International 06/01/2020 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
Shankara Health Education & Charitable Trust 06/01/2020 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
P2 Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd 04/01/2020 Internship, Special Lectures, Training
ICT Academy, Chennai (Initiative of Govt. of India in Colloboration with State Government and Industries) Institutional Membership Since 2017- Member ID-03118 Seminars, Placement,Faculty Development Programmes, Skill Development Through Workshops, Industry Institute Interaction
Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Chennai January 2020. For Carrying Out Animal Experimental Studies
Clean Green Biosystems, Thirumudivakkam, Chennai. March-21 Internships, Training and consultancy programs, Product Development in the area of 1. Herbal, Neutraceutical / Phytochemical Extraction System 2. Phyto-pharmaceuticals and Botanical Drug Development 3. Fruits and Vegetables Processing 4. Organic Agricultural Input Formulation System.
Dr. Senthil Advanced Science (OPC) Private Ltd (SENTAC) March-21 Research Consultancy, Research Collaboration for 1. Fish Pathology 2. Microbiology 3. Aquaculture 4. Bio-sciences 5. Pharmaceutical Sciences 6. Pharmacovigilance


Guru Nanak Centre for Research in collaboration with Indian Science Congress Association and Natural Spirulina, Chennai conducted a training program on “Value added products from spirulina for livelihood”.

Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology collaborated with the National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management on Research related to integrated and sustainable management of coastal and marine areas.

Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology in collaboration with Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Centre conducted summer internship programs for students.

Department of MBA in collaboration with REDINGTON conducted internship programs for MBA students.

Department of MCA in collaboration with GS technologies provides internship/ on the job training/ project work

Department of MCA in collaboration with BIZPLUS services provides on the job training/ project works and Internships

Guru Nanak Centre for Research in collaboration with Central Institute for Brackish water Aquaculture, Central Institute for freshwater Aquaculture, National Institute of Agricultural extension management, Marine product export development authority (MPEDA), Aquaculture outlook Chennai conducted an Industry- Academia Conclave, which aim is to put together experts from business and R&D organizations to address key concerns affecting industry and academia focused on current societal demands. The conclave aims to address areas where research and consultancy may be combined, as well as identify practical ways to cross the gap between business expectations and academic preparation.

Guru Nanak Centre for Research in collaboration with Sankara Nethralaya hospital, Dr. Mohan’s MV diabetes, Apollo hospital, Dr. Agarwal’s eye hospital, Prashanth hospital, Penn Nalam Hospital, Chettinad Hospital, Sri Sathya Sai Siddha hospital, Life green hospital, and Udhyayoga conducted a mega medical camp (23rd September 2019 to 27th September 2019) for public outreach and health awareness.

The Guru Nanak Centre for Research in collaboration with Food and Nutrition Board, Ministry of Women and Child Development and Organized Five days’ Workshop on “Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Technology and Product Development

G.S. Gill Research Institute in collaboration with Indian Science Congress Association conducted Science Communicators Search Meet series for the year 2015, 2016 and 2017. The meeting's goal is to promote, popularize, and instill a scientific temper among science communicators, as well as to make science communication more straightforward and vernacular, while still offering correct insight without sensationalizing.

G. S. Gill Research Institute in collaboration with Indian Science Congress Association – Chennai Chapter & the Ministry of Women & Child Development, Food & Nutrition Board, Government of India conducted a workshop on Health Hazards due to Calcium Deficiency.

G.S. Gill Research Institute in association with Apollo Hospitals, Chennai, organized a one day seminar on Prevention and management of Hepatitis to commemorate the World Hepatitis Day.


Mr. D S Murugan Yadav receiving Field Marshal Manekshaw Essay Competition Award (FMMEC) from General M M Naravane, PVSM AVSM SM VSM ADC 1
r. D S Murugan Yadav receiving Field Marshal Manekshaw Essay Competition Award (FMMEC) from General M M Naravane, PVSM AVSM SM VSM ADC
Appreciation received by Mr. D S Murugan Yadav at India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi.

A day to remember and cherish

Mr. D S Murugan Yadav an active member of Student Research Club of III B. A. Defence and Strategic studies (2018- 2021 Batch) presented a Research paper entitled “Ensuring National Security through Island territories: Islands as Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier” won the prestigious Field Marshal Manekshaw Essay Competition Award (FMMEC) and cash prize on the theme “National Security and Strategic Studies for the AY 2020 – 21 by the Indian Army’s Research Think Tank, Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS), New Delhi”. He received the award from General M M Naravane, PVSM AVSM SM VSM ADC, 27th Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) of the Indian Army on 24th November 2021 at India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi.

The Field Marshal Manekshaw Essay Competition (FMMEC) as it is popularly known as is awarded to commemorate India's Grand Strategist of 1971 war, Field Marshal Sam Hormusji Framji Jamshedji Manekshaw, Military Cross or popularly known as Sam Bahadur. The award is symbolic to the Field Marshal's vision, vigour and indomitable courage shown during various stages of his life. Aimed to inculcate strategic thinking amongst the youth and to provide a better platform to the youth particularly to the university students, CLAWS under the patronage of Indian Army has been reaching out to over 900 universities in the country which include central, state, private and deemed-to-be Universities. The Award is jointly funded by the, CLAWS and 8 Gorkha Rifles, the Field Marshal's Regiment of the Indian Army.

Research Activities / Conference

Professional Development Programme “Nuances in Research”

Date: 19.08.2024 To: 23.08.2024

Resource Persons:- 1. Ms. Shobana M.R., Research Publication Consultant, Scribezonee Private Limited 2. Dr. S. E. Noorjahan, Associate Professor, Dean of Research, Department of Chemistry 3. Dr. E. Gayathiri, Assistant Professor, PBPBT and Research Coordinator, GNCR 4. Dr. V. Lavanya, Assistant Professor, Biotechnology, GNCR 5. Dr. V. Porchezhiyan, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, GNCR

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 52

Video Download PDF

GNCR & GRI organises International Conference on"Frontiers of Sustainable Research in Health Care, Food, Agriculture and Environmental Management" (ICSURE - 2024)

Chief Guest:- Prof. T. Arumugam, VC, Thiruvallur University. Key note speaker Dr. Roshan Kumar Yadav, Member, Nepal Nat. Commission for UNESCO


Start Date:- 2024-02-22

End Date:- 2024-02-23

Time:- 10:00

Programme: International Conference on "Frontiers of Sustainable Research in Health Care, Food, Agriculture and Environmental Management" (ICSURE - 2024) organised by GNCR in association with GRI

Download PDF

Food Safety in Hospitality Industry

Date: 24.07.2023

Programme: Guru Nanak Centres for Research

Resource Person: Dr. Gokul Shankar Sabesan, Professor, Department of Microbiology and Deputy Dean – Preclinical Sciences, Manipal University College, Malaysia

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 125

Research, How and Why?

Date: 17.07.2023

Programme: Guru Nanak Centres for Research

Resource Person: Prof. Sultan Ahmed Ismail, Member, State Planning Commission, Govt. of Tamil Nadu

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 111

Patent Search and Patent e-Filing Procedure.

Date: March 18, 2023
Programme: Guru Nanak Centres for Research.
Resource Person: Advocate Pallavi Rahul Kadam, Indian Patent Agent (IN/PA-3182) Partner, IP Adventure, Pune, Maharashtra.
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 259

The Resource Person Advocate Pallavi Rahul Kadam, Indian Patent Agent (IN/PA-3182) Partner, IP Adventure, Pune, Maharashtra presented the topic on patent search and e-filling procedure.

The Resource person demonstrated the e-Filling procedure.

Participant in the Online Workshop.

Dr. J. Jayanthi, Dean Research delivered the Vote of Thanks.

Research Methodology and Research Ethics

Date: February 15, 2023
Programme: Guru Nanak Centres for Research
Resource Person: Dr. Manas Pandey, Professor, MBA (Business Economics) & IQAC Coordinator Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 76

The Principal Dr. M. G. Ragunathan welcomed the gallery.

The Resource Person Dr. Manas Pandey discussed the differences between quantitative and qualitative study designs and quantitative research designs.

Interaction with the Research Scholars.

The Resource Person with Research Supervisors and Research Scholars.

Research Papers

S. No Title of the Paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal Year of publication ISSN Link to website of the Journal Link to article/paper/abstract of the article Is it listed in UGC Care list/Scopus/Web of Science/other, mention
1 Fabrication, Characterization, and Evaluation of Eggshells as a Carrier for Sustainable Slow-Release Multi-Nutrient Fertilizers Kalaivani D and Noorjahan S E Chemistry ACS Appl. Bio Material 2020-21 2576-6422 Scopus/ Web of Science
2 Fabrication of Collagen with Polyhexamethylene Biguanide: A Potential Scaffold For Infected Wounds Ramasamy Sripriya, Senthilkumar Muthusamy, Sureshbabu Nagarajan, J.Jayanthi, MG Ragunathan Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B Applied Biomaterials 2020-21 1552-4981 Scopus/ Web of Science
3 Digitization of the Data on Indian Freshwater Crabs: 1 Travancoriana Schirnerae Bott, 1969 (Decapoda: Gecarcinucidae) D M Sujipriya, J Jayanthi, K V Jayachandran,MG Ragunathan Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Revista Geintec-Gestao Inovacao E Tecnologias 2020-21 2237-0722 Web of Science
4 Protective Efficacy of Tribulus Terrestris on Atrazine Exposed Fresh Water Fish Oreochromis Mossambicus (W.K.H Peters, 1952) V.Nimavathi, J. Jayanthi and M. G. Ragunathan Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 2020-21 0256-971X UGC Approved Journal
5 Ameliorative Action of Tribulus Terrestris on Atrazine Exposed Fresh Water Fish Oreochromis Mossambicus (W. K. H. Peters, 1852) V.Nimavathi, J. Jayanthi and M. G. Ragunathan Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 2020-21 0256-971X UGC Approved Journal
6 In Vitro Anti- Oxidant and Anti-Cancer Efficacy of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized From the Seaweed Syringodium Isoetifolium(D.) (1939) Collected From the Pulicat Lake of Tamilnadu L. Jayalakshmi, J. Gomathi, J. Jayanthi and M. G. Ragunathan Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 2020-21 0256-971X UGC Approved Journal
7 Phytochemical Analyses, In Vitro Antioxidant and Antibacterial Efficacy of Aqueous Extracts of Seaweeds Enteromorpha Intestinalis (L.) and Gracilaria Edulis (Gmelin) (Silva) Collected From Pulicat Lake, Tamilnadu L. Jayalakshmi, J. Gomathi, J. Jayanthi and M. G. Ragunathan Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 2020-21 0256-971X UGC Approved Journal
8 In Vitro and In Silico Toxicological Properties of Natural Antioxidant therapeutic Agent Azima Tetracantha. Lam Prakash P.,Kumari N.,Gayathiri E.,Selvam K.,Ragunathan M.G.,Chandrasekaran M.,Al-Dosary M.A.,Hatamleh A.A.,Nadda A.K.,Kumar M Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Antioxidants 2020-21 2076-3921 Scopus & Web of Science
9 Biological Activity of Root Extract Decalepis Hamiltonii (Wight & Arn) Against Three Mosquito Vectors and their Non-Toxicity Against the Mosquito Predators Prakash, P; Gayathiri, E; Manivasagaperumal, R; Krutmuang, P Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Agronomy- Basel 2020-21 2073-4395 Scopus & Web of Science
10 Molecular Docking Based Screening Dynamics For Plant Based Identified Potential Compounds of PDE12 Inhibitors Nirmalraj, S., Gayathiri, E., Sivamurugan, M., Prakash, P., Selvam, K. Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Current Research In Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2020-21 2666-0865 Scopus
11 Green Synthesized Chitosan/Chitosan Nanoforms/Nanocomposites For Drug Delivery Applications Iyyakkannu Sivanesan ,Judy Gopal ,Manikandan Muthu, Juhyun Shin ,Selvaraj Mari andjaewook Oh Chemistry Polymers 2020-21 2073-4360 Scopus & Web of Science
12 Distinctive Detection of Fe2+ and Fe3+ by Biosurfactant Capped Silver Nanoparticles Via Naked Eye Colorimetric Sensing. New J Chem D. Kalaivani, S. E. Noorjahan Chemistry New Journal of Chemistry 2020-21 1144-0546!divAbstract Web of Science
13 Visual Sensing of Triethyl Amine Using Sapindus Mukorossi- Silver Nanoparticles J.Shobana D.Kalaivani V.Porchezhiyan S.E.Noorjahan Chemistry Material Today Proceedings 2020-21 2214-7853 Scopus & Web of Science
14 Synthetic Modification of Silica Coated Magnetite Cored Pamam Dendrimer To Enrich Branched Amine Groups and Peripheral Carboxyl Groups For Environmental Remediation Lakshmi, K; Rangasamy, R Chemistry Journal of Molecular Structure 2020-21 0022-2860 Scopus & Web of Science
15 Synthesis, Characterization and In-Silico Analysis of New 2-Pyrazolines T. Saroja, R. M. Ezhilarasi, V. Selvamani, S. Mahalakshmi Chemistry Journal of Scientific Research 2020-21 2070-0245 UGC Approved Journal
16 Sonocatalytic Performance of Egg Shells Loaded with Transition Metal Ions For Decolorization of Crystal Violet Dye Kalaivani D and Noorjahan S E Chemistry Materials Research Bulletin 2020-21  0025-5408 Web of Science
17 Commonly Available, Everyday Materials As Non-Conventional Powders For the Visualization of Latent Fingerprints Vadivel, Ramanan; Nirmala, Muthukumaran; Anbukumaran, Karthikeyani Chemistry Forensic Chemistry 2020-21 2468-1709,was%20also%20impressive. Web of Science
18 Synthesis of Ultrafine AuPd Bimetallic Nanoparticles Using a Magnetite-Cored Poly(Propyleneimine) Dendrimer Template and Its Sustainable Catalysis of the Suzuki Coupling Reaction Rangasamy, R; Lakshmi, K; Selvaraj, M Chemistry New Journal of Chemistry 2020-21 1144-0546!recentarticles&adv Scopus &Web of Science
19 A Study on Finding the Most Prevalent Age Groups of Diabetic Retinopathy Among Diabetic Population Using Fuzzy Matrix theory Subhramaniyan, T., Suruthi, S., Paulraj, M.S., Ragunathan, M.G., Jayanthi, J. Mathematics Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2020-21 1742-6588 Scopus
20 Increased Erk Phosphorylation and Caveolin-1 Expression on K562 Human Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Cells by Jacalin, A Dietary Plant Lectin Lavanya, V; Jamal, S; Ahmed, N Biotechnology Glyco Conjugate Journal 2020-21 0282-0080 Scopus & Web of Science
21 Effective Removal of Pharmaceutical Impurities and Nutrients Using Biocatalyst From the Municipal Wastewater with Moving Bed Packed Reactor Vijayaraghavan, P., Lourthuraj, A.A., Arasu, M.V., Ravindran, B., Woongchang, S. Biotechnology Environmental Research 2020-21 0013-9351 Scopus
22 Analysis of Interconnected Arrivals on Queueing-Inventory System with Two Multi-Server Service Channels and one Retrial Facility K. Jeganathan, T. Harikrishnan, S. Selvakumar, N. Anbazhagan, S. Amutha, Srijana Acharya Rajendra Dhakal, Gyanendra Prasad Joshi M.Sc Mathematics Electronics 2020-21 2079-9292 Web of Science
23 Controllability Analysis For Impulsive Integro-Differential Equation Via Atangana–Baleanu Fractional Derivative Kalimuthu Kaliraj,Elumalai Thilakraj,Chokkalingam Ravichandran,Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar M.Sc Mathematics Mathematical Methods In the Applied Sciences 2020-21 1099-1476 Scopus/Web of Science
24 Job Satisfaction of Bank Employees “A Comparative Study of Selected Public & Private Sector Banks In Chennai” J. Vijayalakshmi, T.K.Avvaikothai Commerce Journal of Education: Rabindrabharati University 2020-21 0972-7175 UGC Approved Journal
25 Identifying Transformational Leaders Using Machine Learning K.Umadevi Commerce Zeichen Journal 2020-21 0932-4747 UGC Approved Journal
26 Community Media Marketing and Its Impact on Trivial Entrepreneurs In Chennai District of Tamil Nadu S.Athilinga Senjith , K.Chitra Accounting & Finance Anvesak 2020-21 0378-4568 UGC care list-I
27 Effects of Social Media on Customer Decision with Selected Consumers In Chennai K.Shagi Accounting & Finance The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis. 2020-21 0886-9367 UGC care list-II
28 Structural Performance of Revenue and Expenditure of Tamilnadu During the Period of 2010- 2020 M.Thenkovan Economics Shodh Sarita 2020-21 2342-2397 UGC Approved Journal
29 Status of Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendations by the Farmers of Tamil Nadu K. Murugan Economics Agricultural Science Digest 2020-21 0976-0547 UGC Approved Journal
30 Issues of Migrant Workers In Informal Sector during covid-19 era in India J. Jesu Arul Christella Economics Shodh Sanchar Bulletin 2020-21 2229-3620 UGC Approved Journal
31 Impact of Gobalization on Indian Economy K. Santhosh Krishnan Economics Anvesak: A Bi-Annual Journal 2020-21 0378-4568 UGC Approved Journal
32 Growth Trend and Composition of Tax Revenue of Andhra Pradesh K. Santhosh Krishnan Economics Journal of the Maharaja Sajirao University of Baroda 2020-21 0025-0422 UGC Approved Journal
33 Role Information Communication Technology Integration For Sustainable Supply Chain Management (with Reference To Farming Enterprises In Dindigul Rural Area S. Sasikumar Economics Kalyan Bharati 2020-21 0976-0822 UGC Approved Journal
34 Status of Enrolment In Higher Education: An Analysis of Inter-Caste Differences In Tamil Nadu S. Ulaganathan Economics ANVESAK 2020-21 0378-4568 UGC Approved Journal
35 Emerging Religious Trends Through the Ages Stalin S Tamil International Research Journal of Tamil 2020-21 2582-1113 UGC Approved Journal
36 The Spiritual Expressions of Dhayumaanavar and Gunangudiyar In Paraparakkanni P.Sasireka Tamil International Research Journal of Tamil 2020-21 2582-1113 UGC Approved Journal
37 Nesting Habits of Baya Weaver Ploceus Philippinus (Linnaeus, 1776) In Rural Arakkonam Taluk, Vellore District, Tamil Nadu, India Mohanathan Pandian G. S. Gill Research Institute Journal of Bombay Natural History Society (JBNHS) 2020-21 0006-6982 UGC Approved Journal
38 Binding Studies of Known Molecules with Acetylcholinesterase and Bovine Serum Albumin: A Comparative View El Bakri Y, Lai C.-H,Karthikeyan S.,Guo L.F,Ahmad S.Ben-Yahya A,Mague J.T.Essassi E.M. Physics Journals of Molecular Structure 2020-21 0022-2860 Scopus
39 In Silico, theoretical Biointerface Analysis and In Vitro Kinetic Analysis of Amine Compounds Interaction with Acetylcholinesterase and Butyrylcholinesterase Kandasamy S,Loganathan C,Sakayanathan P,Karthikeyan S,Stephen A.D,Marimuthu D.K,Ravichandran S,Sivalingam V,Thayumanava Physics International Journals of Biological Macromolecules 2020-21 0141-8130 Scopus
40 Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Hirshfeld Surface Analysis and Computational Approach of New 2-Methylbenzimidazo[1,2-A]Pyrimidin-4(1H)-one El Bakri, Y; Lai, Ch; Karthikeyan, S; Guo, L; Ahmad, S; Ben-Yahya, A; Mague, Jt; Essassi, E Physics Journal of Molecular Structure 2020-21 0022-2860 Web of Science
41 Antidiabetic Potential and High Synergistic Antibacterial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesised with Musa Paradisiaca Tepal Extract C Shanmuga Sundaram, J Sivakumar,  S Suresh , T Zin, U S Mahadeva Rao M.Sc. Zoology Medical Journal of Malaysia 2020-21 0300-5283 UGC
42 IoT Based Stir Casting System of Aluminium MMC Raj, Pac; Kavitha, P; Sophia, S; Thilagam, K; Devi, V; Khan, Jmf Computer Applications Material Today Proceedings 2020-21 2214-7853 Web of Science
43 Perception of Students Towards Virtual Learning – An Emerging Pedagogy Indra Balini A English International Journal of Aquatic Science 2020-21 2008-8018 UGC
44 Psychological Impact of online Learning on Mental Health of College Students In Chennai. S. Amarthalingm Commerce Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education 2020-21 1309-4653 Scopus
45 A Study on Impact of Behavioural Characteristics on the Job Aspects of Employees Sankara Narayanan.M , P.Ponraj Corporate Secretaryship Journal of Emerging Technologies & Innovation Research 2020-21 2349-5162 UGC
46 Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Regarding online Store Portals For Grocery Shopping During Covid-19 In Chennai Gayathri Harikumar, R. Ashok Accounting & Finance Syndicate - the Journal of Management 2020-21 2278-8247 Others
47 A Study on Work Life Balance of Employees In MSME’S In Chennai R.Geetha B.Com Honours Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research 2020-21 2277-7067 UGC Approved Journal
48 A Study on Customer Perception Towards Shopping Malls R.Geetha B.Com Honours The Journal of Oriental Research Madras 2020-21 0022-3301 others
49 Challenges Faced by Women Employees and their Empowerment R.Geetha B.Com Honours Kalyab Bharati 2020-21 0976-0822 UGC Approved Journal
50 Psychological Reconstruction of the Psyche of Immigrants In Chitra Banerjee'S : the Vine of Desire L.R.S. Kalanithi , Diana Rachal Gnanadeepam English Dogo Rangsang 2020-21 2347-7180 UGC
51 Synthesis, Characterization, In Silico and In Vitro Evaluations of Symmetrical 1,3-Diketones. V.Porchezhiyan, D.Kalaivani, J.Shobana, S.E.Noorjahan Chemistry Asian Journal of Chemistry 2020-21 0970-7077 UGC & Scopus
52 Photo Luminescence Studies of Stillwellite Type Eu3+, Ho3+, Er3+ Co-Doped Lanthanum Borosilicate Up Conversion Luminescent Materials For Solar Energy Applications A.Karthikeyani, N.Sathriyaa, K.Anbukumara Chemistry Materials Today: Proceedings 2020-21 2214-7853 Web of Science
53 Facile Synthesis of Silver @ Eggshell Nanocomposite: A Heterogeneous Catalyst For the Removal of Heavy Metal Ions, Toxic Dyes and Microbial Contaminants From Water S.E.Noorjahan, Mr.V.Porchezhiyan, D.Kalaivani, J.Shobana Chemistry Journal of Environmental Management 2020-21 0301-4797 Scopus
54 Synthesis and Characterisation of Fe3O4/Carbon Dot Supported MnO2 Nanoparticles For the Controlled Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohols Edwin Prathibha, Rajmohan Rangasamy, Arunasalam Sridhar, Kannappan Lakshmi Chemistry Chemistry Select 2020-21 2365-6549 Scopus & Web of Science
55 Synthesis, Docking and In Vitro Evaluation of L-Proline Derived 1,3-Diketones Possessing Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammatory Activities V.Porchezhiyan, D.Kalaivani, J.Shobana, S.E.Noorjahan Chemistry Journal of Molecular Structure 2020-21 0022-2860 Scopus & Web of Science
56 Synthesis, Characterisation and Photocatalytic Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Stabilised by Punica Granatum Seeds Extract Muthu, K; Rajeswari, S; Akilandaeaswari, B; Nagasundari, Sm; Rangasamy, R Chemistry Materials Technology 2020-21 1066-7857 Scopus & Web of Science
57 Screening and Optimization of Protease Producing Bacterial Isolate From the Gut of Portunus Pelagicus and Its Prospecting Potential In Detergent Industry. K. Priya J. Jayanthi, E. Gayathiri and M. G. Ragunathan. Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 2020-21 0256-971X UGC
58 Impact of Trichogramma Release Regimes and Combination with Mass Trapping on Sugarcane Internode Borer (Chilo Sacchariphagus Indicus) Management Prabakaran, M., Sithanantham, S., Sanjayan, K.P., Parimalarangan, S., Surendra Naidu, E. Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Journal of Biological Control 2020-21 2230-7281 Scopus
59 A Nutritional Analysis of Selected Heterotic Hybrids of Zea Mays L. E. Gayathiri Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology International Journal of Research In Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020-21 0975-7538 Scopus
60 Screening Chemical Inhibitors For Alpha-Amylase From Leaves Extracts of Murraya Koenigii (Linn.) and Aegle Marmelos L E. Gayathiri Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Journal of Complement Integr Med 2020-21 2019-0345 Scopus
61 Evaluation of Anticancer Activity of Trichodesma Indicum (Linn) R.Br. on Lung Cancer Cell Line (A549) E. Gayathiri Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology International Journal O F Pharmaceutical Research 2020-21 0975-2366 Scopus till 2021 feb
62 Anatomical Studies of Laurencia Obtusa (Hudson) Lamouroux (Ceramiales) of Rhodophyceae. Poonam Sethi Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Journal of Information and Computational Science 2020-21 1548 - 7741 UGC
63 Irregular Set Coloring of Star Families Saraladevy, R., Nedumaran, P., Anitha, K. Mathematics AIP Conference Proceedings 2020-21 1551-7616 Scopus
64 An Equitable Total Coloring of Some Classes of Product of Graphs Aliyar, S. & Manikandan, K. & Manimaran, S M.Sc Mathematics Advances In Mathematics 2020-21 1857-8438 UGC
65 An Equitable Edge Coloring of Some Classes of product of Graphs K. Manikandan , S. Moidhen Aliyar  and S. Manimaran M.Sc Mathematics Malaya Journal of Matematik 2020-21 1354-1357 UGC
66 Antibacterial and Anticancer Potential of Brassica oleracea Var Acephala using Biosynthesised Copper Nanoparticles C S Sundaram, J Sivakumar, S S Kumar, P L N Ramesh, T Zin, U S M Rao Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Medical Journal of Malaysia 2020-21 0300-5283 UGC
67 The Impact of Covid -19 on Indian Economy D.Parandhaman. Commerce The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis 2020-21 :0886-9367 UGC care list-II
68 Effective Contribution of Gram Sabhas & Panchayats For the Economic Development of India Gayathri Harikumar & R.Ashok Accounting & Finance Sambodhi (UGC Care Journal) 2020-21 2249-6661 UGC care list
69 A Study on the Performance of Rural Mutual and Non Rural Mutual thematic Funds in India Gayathri Harikumar & R.Ashok Accounting & Finance Sambodhi (UGC Care Journal) 2020-21 2249-6661 UGC care list
70 Impact of Work From Home Norms on the IT Sector Employees of Chennai During Covid-19 Times Gayathri Harikumar , R.Ashok Accounting & Finance Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research 2020-21 0022-1945 UGC care list
71 A Study on Custom of Social Networking Sites by Youth Employees in Virudhunagar District of Tamil Nadu. S.Athilinga Senjith Accounting & Finance The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis (Ugc Care List) 2020-21 0886-9367 UGC care list-II
72 An Analysis on Job Seekers Perception and Behavioural Intention Towards online Recruitment Portals In Chennai City. S.Athilinga Senjith, Leelavathi, Mohamed Rafiq Accounting & Finance Test Engineering and Management(Scopus) 2020-21 0193-4120 SCOPUS
73 Consumer Behaviour on Consumption of Organic Food During the Pandemic of Covid - 19 in Chennai City Paul Edison. L & Ramesh Corporate Secretaryship Sambodhi 2020-21 2249-6661 UGC care list
74 An Analysis of AES, RSA and Blowfish-A Review R.Caroline Kalaiselvi & Mary Vennila.S Information System Management IJAEMA 2020-21 0886-9367 UGC
75 Creative Methods of Recruitment in Attracting Human Talent M.Sheeba Information System Management Studies In Indian Place Names 2020-21 2394-3114 UGC
76 Influence of Hr Practices on Employee Engagement In Automobile Firms In Chennai M.Sheeba Information System Management Studies In Indian Place Names 2020-21 2394-3114 UGC
77 A Study Related To Mobile Wallet Payment on Food Delivery App with Respect To Younger Genereation In Chennai City T.K.Avvai Kothai Commerce Parishodh Journal 2020-21 2347-6648 UGC Approved Journal
78 Impact of Employee Engagement on Employee Attrition In Selected Software Companies with Reference To Chennai City T.K.Avvai Kothai Commerce Parishodh Journal 2020-21 2347-6648 UGC Approved Journal
79 A Study on Consumer Buying Behaviour Pattern Post Covid – 19 with Special Reference To Chennai T.K.Avvai Kothai Commerce Kala : the Journal of Indian Art History Congress 2020-21 0975-7945 UGC Approved Journal
80 A Study on Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)- with Special Reference To Kancheepuram District K.Umadevi Commerce Parishodh Journal 2020-21 2347-6648 UGC Approved Journal
81 A Study on the Financial Implication of Teacher Attitude Towards their Ability M. Kavitha Commerce Shodh Sarita 2020-21 2348-2397 UGC Approved Journal
82 An Empirical Study on Financial Implication of Green Marketing Practices with Reference To Chennai City M. Kavitha Commerce Shodh Sarita 2020-21 2348-2397 UGC Approved Journal
83 Impact of online Classes on Colleges Students In Chennai During Covid -19 Pandemic T.K. Avvai Kothai & S.Ramya Commerce Journal of the Maharaja Sauajirao University of Baroda 2020-21 0025-0422 UGC Approved Journal
84 A Study on Work Life Balance During the Pandemic (Covid -19) In Chennai City T.K. Avvai Kothai &Y.H. Keethana Commerce Journal of the Maharaja Sauajirao University of Baroda 2020-21 0025-0422 UGC Approved Journal
85 Determinants of Behavioural Intenstion on E-Wallet Usage : An Emprical Examination In Amid of Covid -19 Lockdown Period C. Revathy Commerce International Journal of Management 2020-21 0976-6502 scopus indexed
86 A Morphological Experiment on Antecedents of Social Media Usage : Structural Equation Modelling Approach C. Revathy and P.Balaji Commerce International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 2020-21 1475-7192 scopus indexed
87 Insights of E-Users Towards Digital Advertising M. Kavitha and Perumal Commerce International Journal of Sales & Marketing Management Research and Development (Ijsmmrd) 2020-21 2249–6939 peer reviewed
88 Problems of online Shopping: A Study with reference to Tirunelveli District G.Ponselvi Corporate Secretaryship Wesleyan Journal of Research, An International Research Journal 2020-21 0975-1386 UGC Approved Journal
89 Impact of WTO on Indian Banking Sector In India D.Ranjith Kumar Corporate Secretaryship Parishodh Journal 2020-21 2347-6648 UGC Approved Journal
90 Influence of Socio-Economic Profiles on online Shopping Perception of Women Households -An Empirical Examination S. Sasikumar Economics Purakala Journal 2020-21 0971-2143 UGC
91 Indian Consumerism In the Global Scenerio S. Sasikumar Economics Parishodh Journal 2020-21 2347-6648 UGC Approved Journal
92 Employment and Banking Industry In India S. Sasikumar Economics Parishodh Journal 2020-21 2347-6648 UGC Approved Journal
93 Perception of Students Towards Cost-Free Welfare Schemes In School Education – A Study with Special Reference To Government Schools of Tamil Nadu Sasikumar, S., Balaji, P. Economics International Journal of Management 2020-21 2277–5846 scopus indexed
94 Smart Phone, Internet and Social Media Usage of College Students: A Cyber Psychology Study Sasikumar, S., Balaji, P. Economics International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2020-21 2005-4238 scopus indexed
95 Disaster Management In India: An Assessment J.Sivashankar Economics Parishodh Journal 2020-21 2347-6648 UGC
96 Development and Testing of Conceptual Model on Women Empowerment V.Uma Maheswari and Shakila Mk MBA International Journal of Advanced Science and Technolgy 2020-21 2005-4238 Scopus
97 Work Life Balance and Job Satisfaction - An Empirical Analyses Using Structural Equation Modeling D.Shoba and G.Suganthi MBA International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2020-21 2005-4238 Scopus
98 An Improved Iris Recognition System Using Artificial Neural Network D. Elantamilan MCA International Journal of Control and Automation 2020-21 2005-4297 Scopus
99 An Efficient Incident Recovery Based Information Security Model Using Fuzzy Rough Sets For Green Business Environment D. Elantamilan MCA Journal of Green Engineering 2020-21 1904-4720 Scopus
100 An Artificial Neural Network Based Iris Authentication Using Back Propagation D. Elantamilan MCA Journal of Green Engineering 2020-21 1904-4720 Scopus
101 Distributed Denial of Service Detection and Mitigation Solutions In Software Defined Radio Networks V. Devi Computer Applications Journal of Xidian University 2020-21 1001-2400 Scopus
102 Non-Radiating Edges Gap Coupled Microstrip Antenna For Wireless Body Area Communications V. Devi Computer Applications IJAST 2020-21 2005-4238 Scopus
103 Intelligent Resource Scheduling with Neutrosophic Knowledge and Optimized Cache Management Using Cuckoo Search Method In Cloud Computing G. Kiruthika Computer Applications INASS 2020-21 2185-3118 Scopus
104 Energy Efficient Load Balancing Aware Task Scheduling In Cloud Computing Using Multi-Objective Chaotic Darwinian Chicken Swarm Optimization G. Kiruthika Computer Applications IJCNA 2020-21 2395-0455 Scopus
105 Analysis of Efficient Classification Algorithms In Web Mining K. Prem Chander, S. S. V. N. SharmaS. Nagaprasad, M. Anjaneyulu, V. Ajantha Devi Computer Applications Data Engineering and Communication Technology, ICDECT-2K19 2020-21 2194-5357 Web of Science
106 Robust Resource Scheduling with Optimized Load Balancing Using Grasshopper Behavior Empowered Intuitionistic Fuzzy Clustering In Cloud Paradigm G. Kiruthika Computer Applications IJCNA 2020-21 2395-0455 Scopus
107 A Study on Job Enrichment and Organizational Culture Among the Job holders In It Sectors with Special Reference To SEZ Chennai and Kanchipuram District Agiladevi Pugalendhi, M.Prabhakar Computer Applications International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 2020-21 2348 –1269 UGC
108 Effect of Complex Training on Selected Physical Fitness  Variables Among Hockey Players S. Arockia Sahaya Felix Physical Education Journal of Xidian University 2020-21 1001-2400 UGC, Scopus
109 A reserach on Customer Awareness Towards Digital Wallet Among People At Chennai City D.Sowmiya B.Com Honours International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2020-21 2278-3075 Peer Reviewed
110 Predictive Analytics and Approach To Definitive Future D.Sowmiya B.Com Honours International Journal of Business Intelligence and Innovations 2020-21 2348 4705 Peer Reviewed
111 A Study on Awareness and Willingness Level About Taking Waste Management As A Potential Career Choice Or Social Entrepreneurship Venture Amongst College Student In Chennai City D.Sowmiya B.Com Honours Mim International Journal of Management Research 2020-21 2394-6997 Peer Reviewed
112 A Study on Factor Influencing Investors Perception Towards Stock Market Decision J.Saranya , M.Malathy B.Com Honours International Journal of Management & Business Studies 2020-21 2230-9519 Peer Reviewed
113 The Influence of Brand Loyalty Towards the Purchase of Cosmetics In Chennai V.Nithya , A.Kumutha B.Com Honours International Journal of Advanced Research In Commerce, It & Management 2020-21 2231-5756 Peer Reviewed
114 The Dimensions of Buyer Behavior In the Purchase of Cosmetics In Chennai V.Nithya & A.Kumutha B.Com Honours International Journal of Advanced Research 2020-21 2320-5407 Peer Reviewed
115 Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisafaction ,Private School Teachers In Chennai J. Vijayalakshmi, T.K.Avvai Kothai Commerce Utkal Historical Research Journal 2020-21 0976-2132 UGC Approved Journal
116 Juvenile Innovative Entrepreneurs: Challenges Pave A Path To Opportunities. Leelavathi, D Accounting & Finance Journal of Contemporary Issues In Business and Government, 2020-21 1323-6903 Scopus
117 Learning Strategies To Master English For Effective Communication Through Active Learning Method L. R. S. Kalanithi , K. Gnanakkannu English Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities 2020-21 2321-788X others
118 Campus Interviews - Gateway To Future L.R.S. Kalanithi , V. Usha English Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities 2020-21 2321-788X others
119 Reducing the Affective Filter In Tertiary Level ESL Learners - Some Effective Strategies L.R.S. Kalanithi , K. Kavitha English Purakala 2020-21 0971-2143 others
120 English Language For Occupational Purpose L.R.S. Kalanithi , V. Usha English Roots - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches 2020-21 2349-8684 others
121 Hepatoprotective Activity of Chamaecrista Nigricans In Experimental Rats A.C. Tangavelou ,E.Gayathiri Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology International Journal of Plant Science and Horticulture 2020-21 2572-3154 Peer Reviewed
122 Antimicrobial Activities of Artabotrys Odoratissimus R.Br. Poonam Sethi Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Chemistry & Material Sciences Research Journal 2020-21 2708-8626 Peer Reviewed
123 Micromorphological and Phytochemical Studies of Aloe Barbadensis Mill Root. Poonam Sethi Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology International Journal of Clinical and Developmental Anatomy 2020-21 2469-7990 Peer Reviewed
124 Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis of Passiflora Incarnata Linn Leaf Poonam Sethi Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Chemistry & Material Sciences Research Journal 2020-21 2708-8626 Peer Reviewed
125 Histology of A Xerophytic Leaflet: Cycas Circinalis and Cycas Revoluta (Cycadaceae) Poonam Sethi Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Chemistry & Material Sciences Research Journal 2020-21 2708-8626 Peer Reviewed
126 Seasonal Fluctuations In the Nutraceutical Value of Laurencia Obtusa (Hudson) Lamouroux (Rhodophyceae) Poonam Sethi Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Think India 2020-21 0971-1260 others
127 Micromorphological and Biochemical Studies of Laurencia Obtusa (Hudson) Lamouroux (Ceramiales) of Rhodophyceae Poonam Sethi Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Chemistry & Material Sciences Research Journal 2020-21 2708-8626 Peer Reviewed
128 Anti Viral Potential of a marine Seaweed Against Herpes Simpex Virus (HSV-1) Poonam Sethi Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Indian Hydrobiology 2020-21 0971-6548 Peer Reviewed
129 Extraction and Structure Elucidation of Fucoidan From Marine Seaweed Padina Tetrastromatica Hauck (Phaeophyceae) Poonam Sethi Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Chemistry & Material Sciences Research Journal 2020-21 2708-8626 Peer Reviewed
130 Determination of Internet Banking Usage and Purpose with Explanation of Data Flow Diagram and Use Case Diagram R.Ganesh , G.Prabu Commerce International Journal of Management and Humanities (Ijmh) 2020-21 2394-0913 Peer Reviewed
131 Identification of Influencing Factors: Does the Social Media Sites Affect the Education of College Students? G.Prabu, Anthonisamy Commerce International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (Ijrte) 2020-21 2277-3878 Peer Reviewed
132 Problems and Prospects of Cuddalore Primary Agricultural Producers Cooperatives Marketing Societies Limited – An Overview P.Kavitha & S.Thiruvarangam Corporate Secretaryship Bodhi International Journal of Research In Humanities, Arts and Science 2020-21 2456-5571 Peer Reviewed
133 Share Auto Rickshaw Transport Service Sankara Narayanan.M , P.Ponraj Corporate Secretaryship International Journal of Innovation Research In Engineering & Multidiscipilinary Physical Sciences 2020-21 2349-7300 Peer Rivewed
134 An Enhanced Crypto Algorithm For Secure Data Storage Using AES Algorithm R.Caroline Kalaiselvi , Mary Vennila.S Information System Management IJETER 2020-21 2347 -3983 Peer Reviewed
135 A Study on the Significance of Artificial Intelligence In Logistics & Supply Chain Management S. Shoba Commerce Guru Nanak Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 2020-21 2321-5615 Others
136 The Rise of Consumerism Towards Marketing of Organic Fast-Moving Consumer Goods M. Kavitha and Dinesh Babu Commerce International Journal Economics, Commerce and Research (IJECR) 2020-21 2250–0006 peer reviewed
137 Role of Self-Importance on Social Media Usage Attitude Among Youth M. Kavitha and Raju Commerce International Journal of Sales and Marketing Management Research and Development (IJSMMRD) 2020-21 2249–8044 peer reviewed
138 Status of NPAs & their Impact on the Public Sector Banks and the Economy In India K. Murugan Economics World Journal of Economics & Finance 2020-21 2328-7144 others
139 Agricultural Credit and Banking Sector In Tamil Nadu K. Murugan Economics Indian Journal of Applied Economics and Business 2020-21 2582-4325 others
140 Impact of Hybrid Rice Cultivation on Farmers' Livelihood In Tamil Nadu K. Murugan Economics Journal of Land and Rural Studies 2020-21 2321-0240 others
141 Impact of Covid-19 on the Indian Economy J.Sivashankar Economics Alochana Chakra Journal 2020-21 2231-3990 Others
142 India’S Bilateral Trade with Saarc Countries J.Sivashankar Economics ICSIPCS-2020 2020-21 2277-1409 others
143 Ainthinai Arupathil Penkal P.Sasireka Tamil Journal of Classical Thamizh 2020-21 2321-0737 others
144 Kulanthaikalin Pallikkuuda Vilaiyaattu Paadalkal P.Sasireka Tamil Journal of Modern Thamizh Research 2020-21 2321-984X others
145 Sanga Elakkiyam Koorum Parathaiyargal M.Shymala Tamil Ayidha Ezhuthu An International Journal of Tamil Studies 2020-21 2278 – 7550 others
146 கலித்தொகை - குறிஞ்சிக்கலியில் உள்ளுறை உவமம் Internal Illustration In Kurinjikali (Kuṟiñcikkali – Kalittokai) Stalin S Tamil Journal of Tamil Peraivu 2020-21 2636-946X others
147 A Study on the Affective Factors of Fossilization In the English Language Indra Balini.A English Langlit 2020-21 2349 5189 others
148 An Analysis of Deployment of Unified Communication In Enterprises with QOS Attainment Using Cloud Services R. Rajini , A. Kovalan Computer Science International Journal of Business Management & Research (IJBMR) 2020-21 2249–6920 2249–8036 others
149 Breakthechain: A Proposed AI Powered Mobile Application Framework To Handle Covid-19 Pandemic J. Vanathi Information Technology Alochana Chakra Journal 2020-21 2231-3990 others
150 An IoT Empowered M-Commerce Application Framework For Hassle Free B2C Transaction J Vanathi and P.Pansy Ebina Information Technology International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2020-21 2005 4238 others
151 Testing Anti-Collision Algorithm For Tracking Purpose Using RFID In IoT Technologies V. Devi Computer Applications Journal of Critical Review 2020-21 2394-5125 others
152 A Hybrid Deep Learning Approach For Sentiment Analysis using CNN improved SVM with multi objective Swarm Optimization For Domain Independent datasets K. Raviya Computer Applications IJATCE 2020-21 2278-3091 others
153 Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Using Hybrid CNN-SVM with Particle Swarm Optimization For Domain Independent K. Raviya Computer Applications IJETER 2020-21 2347 - 3983 others
154 A Survey on Sentiment Analysis Tasks, Approaches and Applications K. Raviya Computer Applications IJFGCN 2020-21 2233-7857 others
155 Digital India Dynamic Transformations In the Landscape of E Commerce and M Commerce J. Dharshana Business Administration Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities 2020-21 2321- 788X peer reviewed
156 Impact of Liberalisation on Poverty, Income Distribution and Income Inequality: A theoretical Understanding J.Ramasamy Business Administration Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities 2020-21 2321- 788X peer reviewed
157 Stress Management I. Shanmuga Priya Business Administration Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities 2020-21 2455-8761 peer reviewed
158 Effect of Isolated Conventional, Vision Training and Yogic Practices on Speed, Agility and Playing Ability of Hockey Players Arockia Sahaya Felix , S. Glady Kirubakar Physical Education International Journal Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education 2020-21 2454-6119 others
159 Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease Using Classification Techniques I.Preethi Computer Applications Parishodh Journal 2020-21 2347-6648 others
160 Naavayi Gulatheiva Valipaattu Muraikal P.Sasireka Tamil Journal of Modern Thamizh Research 2020-21 2321-984X others
161 Pen theiva Aazhipattil Angalaman Shyamala Tamil Journal of Modern Thamizh Research 2020-21 2321-984X others
162 Hypericum Hookerianum (Wight and Arn.) As A Potential Bio- Pesticide To Control Cotton Bollworm, Helicoverpa Armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Mani Mahendrakumar, Alagarmalai Jeyasankar and Kuppusamy Elumalai Biotechnology Asian Journal of Agricultural Research 2020-21 1819-1894 others
163 Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality Assessment of E-Banking Services In Public Sector Banks In Chennai-A Customer Perspective Gayathri Harikumar, R. Ashok Accounting & Finance International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 2020-21 2348-1269 others
164 Mosquitocidal Effect of Monoterpene Ester and Its Acetyl Derivative From Blumea Mollis (D. Don) Merr Against Culex Quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) and their Insilico Studies Sivanandhan Subramaniyan, Ganesan Pathalam , Stalin Antony , Gabriel Paulraj Michael , Rajan Samuel , Balakrishna Kedike , Anand Sekar , Ahilan Boovaragamurthy , Shirota Osamu ,Ahmed Hossam Mahmoud E , Osama B Mohammed , Ignacimuthu Savarimuthu G. S. Gill Research Institute Experimental Parasitology 2020-21 0014-4894 Elsevier
165 Essential Oils From Plants: A Review on Eco-Friendly Mosquito Repellents Pathalam Ganesan , Samuel Rajan , Daniel Magesh , Tharsiusraja Williamraja , Michael Gabriel Paulraj , Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu G. S. Gill Research Institute International Journal of Scientific Research In Biological Sciences 2020-21 2347-7520 Peer Reviewed
166 Mosquitocidal Activity of the Pale Brittle Stem Mushroom, Psathyrella Candolleana (Agaricomycetes), Against Three Vector Mosquitoes Subramaniyan Sivanandhan, Pathalam Ganesan,Rajendren Host Antony David, Michael Gabriel Paulraj, & Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu G. S. Gill Research Institute Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2020-21 1746-4269 Web ofScience
167 Entomophily of Apple Ecosystem In Kashmir Valley, India: A Review Muzafar Riyaz , Pratheesh Mathew , Gabriel Paulraj , Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu G. S. Gill Research Institute International Journal of Scientific Research In Biological Sciences 2020-21 2347-7520 Peer Reviewed
168 A Study on Food-Medicine Continuum Among the Non-Institutionally Trained Siddha Practitioners of Tiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu, India S. Esakkimuthu , S. Sylvester Darvin, S. Mutheeswaran , M. Gabriel Paulraj , P. Pandikumar, S. Ignacimuthu and N. A. Al-Dhab G. S. Gill Research Institute Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2020-21 1746-4269 Peer Reviewed
169 Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) Larvicidal and Ovicidal Properties of Extracts From Streptomyces Vinaceusdrappus (S12-4) Isolated From Soils Pathalam Ganesan, Amalraj Jackson, Rajendran Host Antony David, Subramaniyan Sivanandhan, Munusamy Rajiv Gandhi, Michael Gabriel Paulraj, Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi , and Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu G. S. Gill Research Institute Journal of Entomological Science 2020-21 1479-8298 Scopus
170 Roles of Micro RNA In Prostate Cancer Cell Metabolism Khanmi Kasomvaa,Arnab Senb , Michael Gabriel Paulraja , Stephen Sailoc , Vandana Raphaeld , Kekungu-U Purob , Shiwoto Ruth Assumif , Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu G. S. Gill Research Institute The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 2020-21 1357-2725 Elsevier
171 Larvicidal, Ovicidal, and Histopathological Effects of the Sulphur Polypore Mushroom, Laetiporus Sulphureus (Agaricomycetes), Collected From Tamil Nadu, India Against Mosquitoes Subramaniyan Sivanandhan, Pathalam Ganesan,Michael Gabriel Paulraj, & Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu G. S. Gill Research Institute International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 2020-21 1940-4344 Web of Science
172 Toxicity of Semecarpus Anacardium L. Seed Extracts Against Immature Stages of Culex Quinquefasciatus Say and Aedes Aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae) Govindan Sivaraman, Appadurai Daniel Reegan, Michael Gabriel Paulraj and Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu G. S. Gill Research Institute Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2020-21 2349-6800 Elsevier
173 Comparative Studies of Tripolyphosphate and Glutaraldehyde Cross-Linked Chitosan-Botanical Pesticide Nanoparticles and their Agricultural Applications Michael Gabriel Paulraj , Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu, Munusamy Rajiv Gandhi , Azeez Shajahana, Pathalam Ganesana, Soosaimanickam Maria Packiama, Naif Abdhullah Al-Dhabi G. S. Gill Research Institute International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2020-21 0141-8130 Elsevier
174 Biological Effects of Active Fraction Isolated From Hydnocarpus Pentandra (Bunch. –Ham.) Oken Seeds Against Helicoverpa Armigera (Hub.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Govindan Sivaraman, Michael Gabriel Paulraj, Kedike Balakrishna, Santiagu Stephen Irudayaraj, Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu & Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi G. S. Gill Research Institute Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 2020-21 0323-5408 Scopus
175 Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Actinomycetes with Antimicrobial and Mosquito Larvicidal Properties Pathalam Ganesan , Rajendran Host Antony David , Appadurai Daniel Reegan , Munusamy Rajiv Gandhi , Michael Gabriel Paulraj , Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu , Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi G. S. Gill Research Institute Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (Bjbas) 2020-21 2314-8535 Scopus
176 Biocontrol Properties of Basidiomycetes: An Overview Subramaniyan Sivanandhan , Ameer Khusro , Michael Gabriel Paulraj , Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu and Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi G. S. Gill Research Institute Journal of Fungi 2020-21 2309-608X Scopus
177 Identification of Antimicrobial Compounds From Streptomyces Sp. Isolated From Western Ghats Soil In Tamil Nadu Joseph Devadass B, Gabriel Paulraj M, Ignacimuthu S,Agastian Simiyon theoder P and Al Dhabi Na G. S. Gill Research Institute EC Microbiology 2020-21 Scopus
178 Current Status of Genome Editing In Vector Mosquitoes: A Review Appadurai Daniel Reegan, Stanislaus Antony Ceasar , Michael Gabriel Paulraj , Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu, Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi G. S. Gill Research Institute Biosciences Trends 2020-21 1881-7815 peer reviewed
179 Antimicrobial Activity of Some Actinomycetes From Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India Pathalam Ganesan , Appadurai Daniel Reegan , Rajendran Host Antony David , Munusamy Rajiv Gandhi , Michael Gabriel Paulraj , Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi C , Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu G. S. Gill Research Institute Alexandria Journal of Medicine 2020-21 2090-5068 peer reviewed
180 Quantitative Ethnomedicinal Survey of Medicinal Plants Given For Cardiometabolic Diseases by the Non-Institutionally Trained Siddha Practitioners of Tiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu, India S. Esakkimuthu , S. Mutheeswaran , S. Arvinth , M. Gabriel Paulraj , P. Pandikumar , S. Ignacimuthu G. S. Gill Research Institute Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2020-21 0378-8741 Elsevier
181 Larvicidal and Pupicidal Activities of Alizarin Isolated From Roots of Rubia Cordifolia Against Culex Quinquefasciatus Say and Aedes Aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) R Gandhi , AD Reegan ,P Ganesan ,K Sivasankaran , MG Paulraj ,K Balakrishna , S Ignacimuthu, Na Al – Dhabi G. S. Gill Research Institute Neotropical Entomology 2020-21 1678-8052 Elsevier
182 Crystal Structures and Dielectric Properties of 4,4′-Dimethyl-6,6′-Dichlorothioindigo (Pigment Red 181) Karthikeyan S Physics Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials 2020-21 2052-5206 Elsevier
183 Unexpected Synthesis of Novel 2-Pyrone Derivatives: Crystal Structures, Hirshfeld Surface Analysis and Computational Studies Karthikeyan S Physics Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2020-21 1538-0254 Elsevier
184 Efficient Synthesis of Imino-1,3-Thiazinan-4-one Promoted by Acetonitrile Electrogenerated Base and Computational Studies with CB1 and 11 ΒHSD1 Molecules Karthikeyan S Physics Research on Chemical Intermediates 2020-21 1568-5675 Elsevier
185 A Newly Synthesized 6-Methyl-7H,8H,9H-[1,2,4]Triazolo[4,3-B][1,2,4]Triazepin-8-one For Potential Inhibitor of Adenosine A1 Receptor: A Combined Experimental and Computational Studies Karthikeyan S Physics Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2020-21 1538-0254 Elsevier
186 Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Computational Investigation of New 4-Phenyl-Decahydro-1H-1,5-Benzodiazepin-2-one As Potent Inhibitor of Mu-Opioid Receptor Karthikeyan S Physics Chemistryselect 2020-21 2365-6549 Elsevier
187 Understanding the Binding Information of 1-Imino-1,2-Dihydropyrazino[1,2-A]Indol-3(4H)-one In Bovine Serum Albumin, 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 1B and Human Carbonic Anhydrase I: A Biophysical Approach Karthikeyan S Physics Journal of Molecular Liquids 2020-21 0167-7322 Elsevier
188 Linear and Dendrimeric Antiviral Peptides: Design, Chemical Synthesis and Activity Against Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Karthikeyan S Physics Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2020-21 2050-7518 Elsevier
189 Insights Into the Crystal Structure of Two Newly Synthesized Quinoxalines Derivatives As Potent Inhibitor For C-Jun N-Terminal Kinases Karthikeyan S Physics Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 2020-21 1538-0254 Elsevier
190 An Effective Approach To Feature Extraction For Classification of Plant Diseases Using Machine Learning S.Jeyalakshmi , R.Radha Computer Science Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2020-21 0974-6846 0974-5645 others
191 A Study on Impact of Stress During Covid-19 Pandemic Among Primary School Kids During Covid Lockdown At Chennai City, Tamil Nadu Sowmya D Commerce Anvesak 2020-21 0378-4568 others
192 Custom - Aes: A Novel Framework To Enhance Data Security In Cloud Environment Caroline Kalaiselvi R Information System Management IJFGCN 2020-21 2233 – 7857 others
193 Outcome of Employee Commitment on Organisational Performance Mrs Aanchanaa Karam Chandra Mohan Business Administration International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts 2020-21 2320-2882 others
194 Performance Probe Exemplary on the Evince of Load Balancing Cloud Computing Ms Sree Priya Sivakumar Computer Applications Wesleyan Journal of Research 2020-21 0975-1386 others
195 Bioactivity And Pharmacological Directed Extraction And Formulation ofBioactive Components From Costus Spicatus S Bhuvaneswari, MG Ragunathan And J Jayanthi Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020-21 2581-5423 Peer Reviewed
196 Literature Search On The Bioactive Components In Medicinal Plants Controlling Diabetes Mellitus S Bhuvaneswari, MG Ragunathan And J Jayanthi Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Acta Scientific medical sciences 2020-21 2582-0931 Peer Reviewed
197 A Study On Collection, Composition And Business-Wise Contribution of GSt In India A. Jagan Gopu, R.Ravikumar Economics Sambothi 2020-21 2249-6661 UGC Approved
198 A Study On International trade Index And terms of trade In India Jagan Gopu , Krishna Economics Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Barodasambodhi 2020-21 0025-0422 UGC Approved
199 An Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Decision to Adopt Precision Farming In Krishnagar District of tamil Nadu R.Ravikumar, A. Jagan Gopu Economics IJR 2020-21 2348-6848 Peer Reviewed
200 A Case Study of Farmers Practicing Precision Agriculture In Dharmapuri District of Tamil Nadu R. Ravikumar, A. Jagan Gopu Economics Strad Research 2020-21 0039-2049 UGC Approved
201 White Eggshells: A Potential Biowaste Material for Synergetic Adsorption And Naked-Eye Colorimetric Detection of Heavy Metal Ions From Aqueous Solution Kalaivani Dayanidhi, Porchezhiyan Vadivel, Shobana Jothi, And Noorjahan Sheik Eusuf Chemistry Acs Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020-21 1944-8244 Scopus
202 Protective Effect of Salvianolic Acid B In Acetic Acid-Induced Experimental Colitis In A Mouse Model Mydhili Govindarasu , Mohammad Azam Ansari , Mohammad N. Alomary , Sami Alyahya , Saad Alghamdi , Azzah M. Bannunah , Mazen Almehmadi , Pari Abirami , Ekambaram Gayathiri Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Processes 2020-21 2227-9717 Scopus
203 Ethnomedicinal Plants Used By the Malayali tribals of Pachamalai Hills forWounds Saminathan, M., tangavelou, A.C. And Murugananadham. A. Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 2020-21 2320-3862 Peer Review
204 Pharmakinetics Studies, Molecular Docking And Discovery of Anti- Proliferative Agents And Its targeting EGFR Inhibitors Palanisamy Prakash , G. Archana , Ekambaram Gayathiri , Vimalraj Mani , Rengarajan Manivasagaperumal , Balamurugan Vinoth , Karlapudi Abraham Peele , Kuppusamy Selvam , Anand thirupathi , Hissa Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Journal of King Saud University – Science 2020-21 1018-3647 Scopus
205 Plant Diversity of Keelakurichi Vettikaruppar Sacred Groves From Pudukottai District, tamil Nadu Saminathan M, Parvathi, t., Muruganandam, A. And Tangavelou, A.C. Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology International Journal of Botany Studies 2020-21 2455-541X Peer Review
206 Financial Relationships In Indian Federalism: the Repercussion of Revenue And Expenditure On GSDPof tamil Nadu Economy Ulaganathan S Economics Indian Journal of Economics And Business 2020-21 0972-5784 Scopus
207 Empirical Analysis of Students' Behvaiour And Perceptions towards Online Classes In Higher Education (A Study With Reference to Chennai City) R. Purushothaman Commerce Kalyan Bharati Journal On Indian History & Culture 2020-21 0976-0822 Peer Review
208 Immunomodulatory Efects of Jacalin, A Dietary Plant Lectin On the Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCS) Lavanya, Anil Kumar Bommanabonia, Neesar Ahmed, Shazia Jama Biotechnology Applied Biochemistry And Biotechnology 2020-21 2732-0289 Scopus
209 A Study On Women Entreprenuership- Motivational, Encouraging And Financial Supports In MSME In Chennai E. Jeevaratnam Jane Commerce Multidisciplinary Journal - Efflatounia 2020-21 1110-8703 Web of Science
210 A Study Related to Product Service Systems (PSS), SERVQUAL And Knowledge Management System (KMS) – A Review A.Arul Oli Computer Applications Elsevier (Materials today: Proceedings) 2020-21 2214-7853 Scopus
211 Market Basket Analysis of Medical Stores During Covid19 to Discover New Revenue Products K.Umadevi Commerce Indian Journal of Research 2020-21 2250-1991 UGC
212 Analysis of India's position in global innovative index with respect to south asia and the world K.Umadevi Commerce International Journal of Humanities, Law And Social Sciences 2020-21 2521-0793,Law%2C%20Humanities%20and%20Social%20Science.&text=To%20maintain%20the%20excellence%20of,to%20follow%20the%20publication%20process. Peer Review
213 A Comparative Analysis of Bitcoin Value Forecasting Using time -Series Methods M. Santhana Lakshmi, R.Ponnusamy, Gayathri Harikumar, P. Nedumaran Accounting & Finance Journal of Tianjin University Science and technology 2020-21 0493-2137 Scopus
214 A Study On Savings And Spending Habits Among Nurses In Selected Private Hospitals In Chennai City Gayathri Harikumar , Selva Kumar P Accounting & Finance Kala the Journal of Indian History Congress 2020-21 0975-7945 UGC
215 Impact of Gender On Consumer Behaviour In Online Shopping P.Rajan Marketing Management Wesleyan Journal of Research 2020-21 0975-1386 UGC
216 A Study On Customer Satisfaction And trust towards Online transaction P. Rajan Marketing Management Wesleyan Journal of Research 2020-21 0975-1386 UGC
217 Security Enhancement Using Custom-Aes And Its Performance Evaluation On Avalanche Effect-A New Approach R.Caroline Kalaiselvi Information System Management Indian Journal of Computer Science And Engineering 2020-21 0976-5166 Scopus
218 Improved Survey of Heart Disease Diagnosis And Prediction Using Classification techniques Lakshmi.G Information System Management Aneals of the Romaninan Society forCell Biology 2020-21 1583-6258 Scopus
219 A Study On Work Life Balance of It Sector D K Hemamalini Information System Management Test- Engineering And Management 2020-21 0193-4120 Scopus
220 A Study On Employees Absenteeism In Bpo Industry, Chennai D K Hemamalini Information System Management Parishodh Journal 2020-21 2347-6648 UGC
221 Impact of Antecedents On Employee Engagement On IT Sector Chennai- a study D K Hemamalini Information System Management Our Heritage 2020-21 0474-9030 UGC
222 Human Relationships In the Short Stories of Aloor Jalal M. Aneez English Humanism In Indian Literature 2020-21 2321-7065 Peer Review
223 Psychological Wellbeing of Board Examers During Pandemic Jasmine Bernard Social Work International Journal of Aquatic Sciences 2020-21 2008-8019 UGC Care List
224 Reconnoitring transnational Identity And Hybridity In Monica Ali’s In the Kitchen V.Jagadeeswari English Journal of Critical Reviews 2020-21 2394-5125 Peer Reviewed
225 The Representation of Cultural Liminality In Second Generation Migrants In Zadie Smith’s White teeth And On Beauty V.Jagadeeswari English European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine 2020-21 2515-8260 Scopus
226 Traffic congestion in azadpur mandi: a study on the largest vegetables and fruits market of Asia Madha Suresh V PG Department of Defence and Strategic Studies Geography, Environment, Sustainability 2020-21 2071-9388 (Print) 2542-1565 (Online) Peer Reviewed Journal
227 Groundwater quality assessment for irrigation in kanchipuram block, Tamil Nadu using geochemical analysis Madha Suresh V PG Department of Defence and Strategic Studies The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis 2020-21 0886-9367 UGC Listed
228 Assessment of water quality analysis in kanchipuram block, Tamil Nadu using geographic information system Madha Suresh V PG Department of Defence and Strategic Studies Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research 2020-21 0022-1945 UGC Listed
229 Groundwater Pollution due to Discharge of Industrial Effluents with Special Reference Tto Industrial Hazard Zone in araniyarkosasthalaiyar Sub Basin, Chennai Basin, Tamil Nadu, India Madha Suresh V PG Department of Defence and Strategic Studies International Journal of Aquatic Science 2020-21 2008-8019 UGC Listed
230 Application of Artificial intelligence (AI) tools in integrated pest management (IPM ) - An insect plant interaction perspective Prem Mathimaran S G. S. Gill Research Institute Acta Scientific Agriculture 2020-21 2581-365X Peer Reviewed Journal
231 A Review of International Literature on Gharials (Gavialis gangeticus) published in the 21st century M.Jevedha and J.Jayanthi Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Biannual Journal of Chennai Snake Park Trust 2020-21 2278-2575 Peer Reviewed Journal
232 A Compendium of Recent (1940-2020) Literature on Gharials (Gavialis Gangeticus )Published inIndian Journals J.Jayanthi, Neha Brahman and Josphine Julie Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Biannual Journal of Chennai Snake Park Trust 2020-21 2278-2575 Peer Reviewed Journal
233 Analyzing Text Embedding In Wav Files Using Audio Steganography Ramyadevi R Computer Applications Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
234 Cryptocurrencies: China’s Trend And Challenges Roshini U PG Department of Defence and Strategic Studies Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
235 Biodiesel production from lignocellulosic biomass using Yarrowia lipolytica E.Gayathiri Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology Energy Conversion and Management X 2020-21 2590-1745 Scopus
236 Integration of Robotic Process Automation in Higher Education Dr. P.V.Kumaraguru and S. Nirmala Devi MCA Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
237 Data Mining Techniques used for the Prognosis of Chronic diseases - A Comparative Study M. Sivasubramaniyan Computer Applications Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
238 Digital Transformation of Education Post Pandemic - A Conceptual Study Ms. Rumana Parveen. A., Business Administration Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
239 Judicial Interpretation on Absorption of Contract Labour V. Kuppulakshmi Commerce Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
240 Never Let Me Go By Kazuo Ishiguro – From a Multicultural Perspective Ms. V. Jagadeeswari BA English Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
241 The problem faced by private sector exployees in Tamil Nadu during covid - 19 Ranjith Kumar D Corporate Secretaryship Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2020-21 2651-4451/2651-446X Scopus
242 Thyroid Disorder: An Overview M.T.Raghuraman Computer Applications Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
243 An Optimized Spectral Neural Classification Model Based On Multiple Kernel Fork Joining Clustering For Premature Treatment In Health Care Industries Regina Ananthi F Computer Science Materials Today:Proceedings 2020-21 2214-7853 Scopus
244 Exploring the link between Climate Change and Armed Conflict Dr.O.Nirmala PG Department of Defence and Strategic Studies Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
245 Analytical Method to Diagnose the Chronic Kidney Disease using Machine Learning Algorithms - A Comparative Study I. Preethi Computer Applications Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
246 Managerial decision making based on the current environment using an intelligent machine learning approach to marketing Ranjith Kumar D Corporate Secretaryship International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences 2020-21 2277–4998 Web of Science
247 Forest Encroachment Report: Denied Tribal Rights Ms. Roshini U PG Department of Defence and Strategic Studies Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
248 Biocatalytic Degradation of Organophosphate Pesticide from the Wastewater and Hydrolytic Enzyme Properties of Consortium Isolated from the Pesticide Contaminated Water Amala Lourthuraj A Biotechnology Environmental Research 2020-21 0013-9351 Web of Science
249 Performance Analysis of Data Mining Classification Algorithms on Heart Disease Dataset M. Sivasubramaniyan Computer Applications Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
250 Social responsibilities and essentials of Women Entrepreneurship in Union Territory: A case evidence from Puducherry, India Ranjith Kumar D Corporate Secretaryship Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2020-21 2651-4451/2651-446X Scopus
251 Publication Productivity of Guru Nanak College: Citation Factor Analysis T.Senthil Kumar, J.Sripathi and B.Maruthu Pandian Department of Library Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
252 Existentialism in Arun Joshi's Novel: The foreigner V.Siva Guru Vignesh BA English Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
253 Synthesis ofAu Nanoparticles Using Magnetite Cored Polyamine Dendrimer Template And Its Green Catalysis For Selective Oxidation ofAlcohols Rangasamy R Chemistry Materials Letter 2020-21 0167-577X Scopus
254 Using Robotic Process Automation to transform the placement data preparation in Education Sector Dr. P.V.Kumaraguru and S. Nirmala Devi MCA Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
255 A study on green marketing awareness of consumers with reference to Chennai city Prabhu S Commerce Kalyan Bharath 2020-21 0976-0822 UGC Listed
256 A conceptual paper on challenges and issues of parenting Mr. Susai Raj Social Work Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1410 Peer Reviewed Journal
257 Predictive analysis in GDM using Big Data T. Papitha Christobel Computer Applications Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
258 Designing of a Chimeric Vaccine Using EIS (Rv2416c) Protein Against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis H37Rv: An Immunoinformatics Approach Lavanya V Biotechnology Applied Biochemistry And Biotechnology 2020-21 1559-0291 Scopus
259 Purananootril Vaniyal Shymala M Tamil Journal of Classical Thamizh 2020-21 2321 - 984x UGC Listed
260 Discovery of Different Association Rules in Data Mining Radha.C Computer Applications Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
261 Implementing Steganography in E-commerce Systems Ramyadevi R Computer Applications Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
262 A Study on Financing the Gap between Revenue and Expenditure of Government of India Santhosh Krishnan K Economics Kanpur Philasophers 2020-21 2348-8301 UGC Listed
263 Green HRM Practice For Business Sustainability During COVID Pandemic Sivashankar J Economics Turkish Journal ofPhysiotherapy And Rehabilitation 2020-21 2651-4451 | E-ISSN 2651-446X Scopus
264 Social Media Marketing :Does It Creates Impact On Women Entrepreneurs- A Study In Chennai District ofTamilnadu. Athilinga Senjith.S Accounting & Finance Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1409 Peer Reviewed Journal
265 A Review on Blockchain-Based Privacy Security for Fog Computing and Internet ofThings Data R.Caroline Kalaiselvi Information System Management Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1410 Peer Reviewed Journal
266 Delineation and Perusal of the Political Depiction In Romen Basu’s Outcast K. Vinil Sathya BA English Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1411 Peer Reviewed Journal
267 Bitcoin Vs Blockchain: A sensible approach J. Vijayalakshmi, Computer Applications Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1412 Peer Reviewed Journal
268 वसु का कुटुम में सामाजिक यथार्थ Swati Paliwal Department of Hindi Guru Nanak Journal for Multi Disciplinary Research 2020-21 2277-1410 Peer Reviewed Journal


S. No Name of the Faculty Programme Year Title of Invention Patent No /Application No Status
International Patents
1 Dr. Subash Chandra Bose S Information Technology 2021 Intelligent System & Method           for Recognizing Fake Speech using Artificial Intelligence & Block chain Technology 2021104203
IP – Australia
2 Dr. Mahendrakumar M Biotechnology 2021 Method for Promoting fish feed growth performance and immune response in commercial Aquaculture 2021106645
IP - Australia
3 Dr. V. Devi Computer Application 2022 An IoT Based System for    Security and Door Access      Control 202110034
IP - Australia
4 Dr. Mahendrakumar. M Biotechnology 2022 Fish feed formulation system for escalating both disease resistance and Immune prophylaxis in fishes 20 2022 101 450
IP German
National Patents
5 Dr. S. Prem Mathi Maran G. S. Gill Research Institute 2020 Method of Extraction of Phytocannabinoids and formulating the same into a water soluble Nanocannabinoid 388083 Granted
6 Dr. J. Jayanthi Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology 2022 Mask with air Purification  Mechanism 356096-001 Granted
7 Dr. P. Mahalakshmi Biotechnology 2022 Instant Water Warming  Bottle 358286-001 Granted
8 Dr. P. Mahalakshmi Biotechnology 2022 Heavy Metal Contamination          Detecting Gloves 356425-001 Granted
9 Dr. E. Gayathiri Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology 2022 Method for Separation and Purification of the Taraxerol  Compound from the Root of Convolvulus Plur 202241005354