Humanities subjects are philosophical and analytical; and social science subjects are more scientific and experimental. Hence, Guru Nanak College integrates School of Humanities and Social Science to develop a huge variety of transferrable skills for many career paths including research, evaluation, analytical and communication skills. The major goals of School of Humanities of Guru Nanak College are to create Socially Responsible Global Citizens with All Round Personality Development and provide the best quality education (not only acquiring knowledge but also finding solutions to local, national and international problems).
School of Humanities concentrates on values of excellence, engagement, integrity, inclusiveness and self-reflection. The main focus of this school is to nurture and develop cognitive and non-cognitive skills, aligned with the goals of Higher Education for Sustainable Development and create Global citizenship. In all Graduate and Post-Graduate programs, all courses have been designed methodically to provide rigorous knowledge and to enhance their critical and analytical abilities. This school offers skill development courses such as Eco Tourism, Forensic Science, Digital Marketing and Mass Media & Performing Arts to all programs. The faculty of this school provides intensive mentoring to the students both within and beyond class rooms in a wide variety of forums. Alumni of this School are working not only in India but also in other developed countries also.
The School of Humanities renders the following programs
The knowledge of Economics is essential to eradicate poverty of a nation, to prepare and interpret Budgets, to prepare and to understand the Election Manifesto, to analyse economic policies and programmes of the government and to provide skills to solve global economic problems.
In the Department of Economics, Under Graduate program was introduced in 1971 and Post Graduate program in 1981.This department has become as the Recognised Research Department for research leading to Ph.D. Degrees, part time in 1990 and for full time in 2005. Both part time and full time M.Phil., program was started in 2007. This research department maintains, Department library which contains 950 text books in Economics and more than 10 Research Journals. Two staff members have taken Research Projects in the current thrust areas of Environment and Agriculture. This department offers projects and summer internship for P.G students and internship for U.G students. The Department provides Basics of Capital Market and Indian Economy for Civil service Exams as Non-Major Electives. Hence, it is highly useful to students with employment perspective./
The Department of Economics renders signature experiences at both faculty and student’s level. This department had organised National and International conferences, seminars, webinars and workshops to develop their learning skill beyond class rooms. Under the able guidance of professors of this department, more than 50 candidates were awarded Ph.D. and more than 60 candidates were awarded M.Phil. Special coaching for SET and NET exams are being given in this department. Since this department is focusing more on All Round personality development, alumni of this department are not only more in academic field; but also, in National and international sports field, banking and non-banking sectors, Industrial sector and in entrepreneurial sector.
Defence & Strategic Studies is playing an important role in highlighting many issues such as the post-cold war deterrence, role of nuclear age, aspects of arms control, irregular warfare and security issues of regional, national and global level.
The Under Graduate Department of Defence and Strategic Studies was established in the year of 1978 and the Post Graduate program was introduced in the year of 2019. This department has recognised as full time and part time Research Centre in the year 2008. Eight scholars were awarded Ph.D. and four are waiting for the award. One major and one minor UGC projects were done by eminent professors of this department. This department has signed MOU with the Defence Services Staff College (DSSC). This department had organised UGC sponsored National and International conferences and workshops. Some of the alumni of this department are working as Commissioned Officers in Indian Army, Airforce and Indian Navy, and some others are working in Border Security Force (BSF), Central Industrial Security Force and in Tamil Nadu Police service. Since this department provides all important social science courses like Principles of Economics, International Economics, Economics of Defence, Military Geography, Conflict Management, it is easy for the students to clear any competitive examinations.
Social Workers are passionate about social justice and have a measurable impact on the people in their community. The Post Graduate Department of Social Work was established in the year 2016. This department students are providing community awareness programmes such as Environmental, First aid, Women health and hygiene, etc. The students are being taken to field visit to SCARF, NIEPMD, ARUVE, MITRA, BANYAN etc. Alumni of this department are working in Reputed Companies, Hospitals and Research & Training Centres, as HR Managers, Patient Care Coordinators, Trainers, Project Managers etc. Both National and international Conferences Workshops are being conducted by the department to develop their intellectual and organising capacity.
Literature and Communication serve as a gateway towards the horizon of learning from the past and broaden our knowledge about the world. The Department of B.A. English was introduced in 2016. This department provides learning experience beyond the class room through Literary week, Writers’ Club, Educational Field trips, National and International seminars and webinars. The department renders an opportunity to create signature experience at students’ level. Alumni of this department are working as Junior Newspaper Editors, Public Relations Officer, Translators, Report writers and content writers.
Sociologists are very much concerned on the distribution of resources in the society. Since the Guru Nanak College, plays a vital role in the development of the society, State and Nation, the new program - Department of Sociology has been introduced in the year 2021. The faculty members of this department are deeply committed to the development of sociological theory and in addressing several sociological issues of our society. Hence, we invite you to explore Sociology in the School of Humanities of Guru Nanak College.
The school of Humanities and Social Science is focusing more on the research areas such as Alleviation of Poverty, Inequality, Women Empowerment, Human Development Index, Health Economics, Developmental Economics, Environmental Economics, Agricultural Economics and national and international security problems, Military geography, Defence expenditure on equipment etc. Through all these research work, the School of Humanities of Guru Nanak College is providing a significant contribution in solving our social and economic problems.
To provide the highest quality education to students, nurture their talent, promote intellectual growth and shape their personal development; Offer rigorous education in the humanities and social sciences with a dynamic, collaborative and inclusive community of learners; Enhance signature experiences.
Date:March 28 - April 1, 2022
Department:School of Humanities and IQAC
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:2107
Resource Person:
Dr. Pradheeps Muthulingam, Former Consultant TNSDMA, Socio-Economic Impact Assessment Expert, Regional Integrated Multi-hazard Early Warning Systems, Thailand
Dr. V. D. Swaminathan, Professor (Retd), Department of Psychology, University of Madras.
Ms. Lathika Saran, IPS(Retd), Former DGP, Government of Tamil Nadu.
Dr. E. Ramganesh, Professor of Educational Technology& Director, IECD, Bharathidasan University
Prof. Dr.M.R. Srinivasan, (Retd) Department of Statistics, University of Madras.
Date:February 2, 2022
Department:PG Department of Social Work
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:40
Date: November 14, 2022
Programme: B.A. English
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 34
Resource Person from U.S Consulate Library addressing the students of B.A. English Literature about the facilities available.
The Students of III-year BA English visited the American Library in the U.S Consulate, Chennai and watching the scholarly materials and videos available under one roof.
The visit offered the students an opportunity to understand how they can access the plethora of the scholarly materials with absolute ease and also, they got to know about the technological resources the library offers as well.
Date: August 27, 2022
Programme: B.A. English
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 57
The students thoroughly observed the decorum maintained, the quiet and comfortable environment that stirred in them the interest to make frequent use of the serene environment to enrich their knowledge. The visit offered the students the knowledge about the availability of the copious number of books under various disciplines and also the availability of the colossal resource and research materials under one roof. The experience certainly fostered the necessity to frequent libraries and museums in their minds. The day furnished the students an opportunity to understand how they can access the plethora of scholarly materials with absolute ease.
Date:May 23-26, 2022
Programme:B.A. English
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:32
The Students of III B.A. English (Shift II) visited Kerala from 23rd May to 26th May 2022. The students accustomed themselves to a new ambience. Students could comprehend, analyse, reason the differences and similarities in people, culture and society. The wards are able to relate history and politics in the evolution of society and culture. The ample learning experience derived from the trip was a splendid takeaway for aspiring writers of Travelogue, Tourists/ Food Bloggers, Creative Writers and Content Developers for tourism. The students have developed confidence, through wide exposure and experience to delve into diversified or interrelated disciplines of Literature, Travel, Tour and Technical Writing.
Date:May 12, 2022
Programme:B.A. English
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:73
The Visit enlightened the students on the availability of the extensive and comprehensive reading materials and the students observed the serene atmosphere that the library offers for a peaceful reading experience. It is to educate them on how their time invested in the library would certainly give them a meaningful and rigorous learning experience. Students comprehend the significance of the available facilities that aid them in the acquisition of vast knowledge and in their process of literary exploration.
The PG Program of Social Work organized an Alumni Talk session on 7th December 2024. The session was graced by Mr. Sriramakrishnan P, a proud alumnus and a government aspirant. The topic of the discussion was "Scope of Social Work in the Government Sector".
Date: March 14, 2023
Programme: Defence and Strategic Studies (Shift I)
Resource Person: Major Madhan Kumar (Retd), Army Veteran, Geo-Political and Defence Analyst, Co-Founder “Armour of Care” and founder “Dream of Defence”
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:207
Dr. K. Kulasekar, Head, Defence and Strategic Studies Programme & Dean Humanities introduced the Resource Person.
The Resource Person, Major Madhan Kumar (Retd), Army Veteran explained about the Geo-Politics and its strategical issues.
Students interacted with the Resource Person.
The Resource Person with the Faculties and Students of the programme.
Date: November 30, 2022
Programme: B.A. Sociology
Resource Person: Ms. Amala V. S., Student Counsellor of Vels University
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:99
Josephine Maria Bernadette, Assistant Professor, Sociology Programme delivering Welcome address for the guest lecture.
Dr. Nafisa, Student Counselor of Guru Nanak College fecilitated the guest speaker Ms. Amala V. S., Student Counsellor of VELS University.
The Speaker Ms. Amala V S, Student Counsellor of Vels University delivering the lecture on Impact of Society on Human Psychology to the student participants
The Speaker Ms. Amala V. S., Student Counsellor of Vels University adopts experiential learning to make students to understand the concepts.
Students enthusiastically participating in the game during the programme.
The Speaker Ms. Amala V. S., Student Counsellor of Vels University delivering a lecture on impact of society on human psychology.
Date: November 23, 2022
Programme: B.A. Defence and Strategic Studies
Resource Person: Mr. Arun, Sub-Inspector of Police, J7-Velachery Police Station
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:223
The Chief Guest Mr. A. Arun, Sub-Inspector of Police, J7-Velachery Police Station with the faculty members of defence and strategic studies programme.
Dr. V.P.Nedunchezhiyan, Head of the Department felicitated the speaker Mr. A. Arun, Sub-Inspector of Police by giving Momento.
The Chief Guest Mr. A. Arun, Sub-Inspector of Police Addressing the students to create vigilance awareness.
The speaker Mr. A. Arun, Sub-Inspector of Police, J7-Velachery Police Station, interacted with student participants.
Deepthi Ramona First Year B.A Defence and Strategic Studies performing Fencing to the Guest Speaker and Student Participants.
Date:August 22, 2022
Programme:MSW (Master of Social Work)
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:30
The Resource Person Mr. Chandrasekar, Assistant Professor in Madras School of Social Work explained Industrial Jurisprudence which is about the Development of law and legislation related to Industries
The Guest Lecturer Interacted with the students about the basics of Labour Legislation
The Second year MSW Student delivered the vote of thanks to the gathering
Date:March 19 2022
Department:Department of Defence and Strategic Studies
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:246
The Bachelor’s Program in Sociology organized an inter-departmental quiz competition titled “KNOW INDIA: SOCIETY QUIZ BATTLE” on 11th September 2024. The event attracted enthusiastic participation from students across the School of Humanities, School of Commerce, and School of Sciences.
The Bachelor’s Program in Sociology organized an inter-departmental quiz competition titled “KNOW INDIA: SOCIETY QUIZ BATTLE” on 11th September 2024. The event attracted enthusiastic participation from students across the School of Humanities, School of Commerce, and School of Sciences.
The students of the Sociology Department recently transformed the Guru Nanak college’s Central hall into a vibrant space filled with art and expression, featuring an array of wall paintings that showcased tribal life, mandala art, shadow art, and modern styles. On October 7 , the department hosted “*Socioquest’24*,” an inter-departmental competition that highlighted the talents of students across 12 distinct events. The festival’s theme, “Innovate, Compete, and Redefine Social Progress,” encouraged participants to engage with pressing social issues from around the globe.
The Bachelor’s programme of Sociology held the inaugural event of its very own association, the SOCIFY on 6th August,2024. Dr.P. Thamizholi, the invited Chief Guest, enlightened the students on how to navigate their careers in a seemingly complex world and they were taught on adjusting their preexisting notions and paradigms in humanities. Additionally, multiple students led initiatives, namely, storytelling, poem reciting, sharing internship experiences, prize distribution and ultimately badge handouts for the elected SOCIFY members were part of the event. Madhunethra.H and Manish.L were elected as the President and Vice President of SOCIFY .
The Bachelor’s programme of Sociology facilitated a seminar on the topic “THE IMPACT AND INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON CULTURE” , delivered by Mr Vijay Anand, highly regarded media expert on 28th of August,2024. He threw light on various evolutionary processes through which humans constructed the institution of language and culture. He utilized his skillset to explain the underpinnings of Social Media establishment and it’s deceiving techniques to keep people hooked into it.
Date: April 19, 2023
Programme: MSW
Chief Guest: MDr. S Savithri, Vice Principal (SFS- I) Guru Nanak College, Chennai
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 66
The Chief Guest Dr. S. Savithri, Vice Principal (SFS-I) with the faculty of MSW.
Date: March 20, 2023
Programme: B. A. Economics
Chief Guest: Mr. Vikraman R, Actor, Journalist and Political Analyst
Judges: Dr. M. Nafisa Idris, Assistant Professor, Economics Programme
Dr. A. Jagan Gopu, Assistant Professor, Economics Programme
Dr. A. S. Ulaganathan, Assistant Professor, Economics Programme
Dr. J. Jesu Arul Christella, Assistant Professor, Economics Programme
Dr. A. Subakumari, Assistant Professor, Economics Programme
Dr. J. Sivashankar, Assistant Professor, Economics Programme
Dr. K. Santhosh Krishnan, Assistant Professor, Economics Programme
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 125
The Chief Guest Mr. Vikraman R, Actor, Journalist and Political Analyst was felicitated by Dr. Murthy, Head, Programme of Economics.
The Chief Guest addressed the gathering.
Student performance in the Keizi Fest ’23 - Intercollegiate Competition.
Overall Winner Trophy was won by Dr. M.G.R. Janaki College.
The Chief Guest distributed the Prizes and Certificates to the Winners.
Date: March 11, 2023
Programme: B.A. English
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 35
Dr. Savithri S, Vice Principal (SFS 1) addressing the gathering.
Glimpse of the E – Magazine Release.
Dr. K. Kulasekar, Head, Defence and Strategic Studies Programme distributed the Badges to the students.
Date: March 3, 2023
Judges: Mr. Prashant Karan, Film Director
Programme: Sociology
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 9
The Judge Mr. Prashant Karan, Film Director was felicitated by Ms. Josephine Maria Bernadette, Head, Programme of Sociology.
Students participants of the exhibition.
The contestant explaining his picture to the Judge Mr. Prashant Karan, Film Director.
The Judge Mr. Prashant Karan, Film Director distributed the Prizes to the winners.
Date: February 13, 2023
Judges: Dr. Jesu Arul Christella, Assistant Professor, Economics
Dr. J. Sivashankar, Assistant Professor, Economics
Dr. A. Subakumari, Assistant Professor, Economics
Dr. C. Vasudevan, Assistant Professor, Economics
Dr. A. Jagan Gopu, Assistant Professor, Economics
Dr. K. Santhosh Krishnan, Assistant Professor, Economics
Dr. M. Nafisa Idris, Assistant Professor, Economics
Programme: B.A. Economics
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 120
Student participants in debate competition
Distributing of badges to the Office Bearers by Dr. Murthi, Head of Economics Programme
Student participants with the staff members of Economics Department
Date: January 27, 2023
Resource Person: Mrs. Stegana Jency, Director, of the Centre for Child Rights and Development
Programme: MSW
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 82
Dr. Savithri, Vice-Principal (Shift-I) felicitating the Chief Guest Mrs. Stegana Jency, Director of the Centre for Child Rights and Development with a memento
The Resource Person Mrs. Stegana Jency addressing the participants
Over-all trophy won by the Department of Biotechnology
Price Winners of SOCKER 2K23 with the Chief Guest Mrs. Stegana Jency, Director of the Centre for Child Rights and Development and staff members of MSW
Date: January 20, 2023
Resource Person: Dr.V.Jeyaraman, Associate Professor & Head, Tamil Shift II
Dr.S.Savithri, Vice Principal, SFS-I
Mr.G.Tamilvanan, Assistant Professor, Visual Communication
Programme: MSW
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 188
MSW Department faculties felicitated the Judge Dr.Savithri, Vice Principal- SFS I
Participants of English Poetry Competition
Students participating in Meme Creation Competition
Student Participants of Treasure hunt
Date:October 14, 2022
Judges: Mr. Aravindhan S, Assistant Professor, Political Science and Administration
Mr. Sathish Kumar L, Assistant Professor and Head, Visual Communication
Dr. Indra Balini, Assistant Professor & Head, English (Shift II)
Programme:B.A. Sociology
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:42
Debate Competition
Face Art on the theme “Tribes of the World”
Date:October 10, 2022
Judges:Dr R Padmavati, Director at Schizophrenia Research Foundation, (SCARF India) Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:31 Distribution of Prizes to the winners Distribution of Prizes to the winners Poster design by the students Student participants in the event
Programme:MSW (Master of Social Work)
Date:June 7, 2022
Programme:B.A. English
Dr M G Ragunathan, Principal, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous) released ‘Quill’ a journal of writings by the students of B.A. English
Faculty members of B.A. English and students with the copy of Quill Journal
The Principal presenting the Quill Journal to Dr. Savithri, Dean Academics
The Students and the Staff members of B.A. English with a copy of Quill Journal
Date:May 18, 2022
Programme: B.A. Sociology
Resource Person:Dr S. Venkatraman, International Consultant – Education (UNESCO)
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:47
The Chief Guest Dr S. Venkatraman, International Consultant – Education (UNESCO) Inaugurating the event by lighting the lamp
Pinning up of Badges for the Office Bearers by the Chief Guest Dr S. Venkatraman International Consultant – Education, UNESCO.
The Chief Guest Dr S. Venkatraman, International Consultant – Education, UNESCO awarding the winners of the Department competition
The Chief Guest keynote address on "Practicing Sociology: Issues and Challenges in 21st Century"
Dr M G Ragunathan, the Principal, Guru Nanak College felicitated the Chief Guest Dr S. Venkatraman, International Consultant – Education (UNESCO).
Date:May 16, 2022
Programme:B.A. English
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:69
International Yoga Day was celebrated among the students to make them understand the importance of Yoga in their life. A few warm up and simple asanas were performed by the students enthusiastically
Students performed standing asanas which is helped to understand how to maintain harmony between body and mind
Date:April 8-9, 2022
Programme:B.A. English
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:76
ELITE – 2K22 Competition – Students presenting their literary in English Literary Enclave
ELITE – 2K22 Competition – Student portraying their special talent in English Literary Enclave.
ELITE – 2K22 Competition – A team of student performing a skit in English Literary Enclave
ELITE – 2K22 Competition – Students starring on their creative writing in English Literary Enclave
Ms. V. Jagadeeshwari Head and student with judge Ms. Radhika – Event: Debate
Date:April 7, 2022
Programme:B.A. English
Resource Person:Dr. Kalpana Karunakaran, Associate Professor, of Humanities and
Social Sciences, IIT, Madras
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:122
The Chief Guest Dr. Kalpana Karunakaran, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT, Madras with staff members of B.A. English and the office bearers of the Association.
Dr. Malathi, Assistant Professor of Economics and the Dean of Humanities welcomed the chief guest and the gathering.
Mrs. V. Jagadeeswari, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of B.A.English introduced the chief guest to the aspiring students and teachers.
The Chief Guest’s Address was followed by introducing the newly appointed office-bearers of English Literary Enclave for the Academic Year 2021-22
Presentation of the Badges to the office Bearers by the resource person Dr. Kalpana Karunakaran, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT, Madras
Date:March 15 2022
Department:PG Department of Social Work
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:58
GMUN in GNC! On 26/09/24 & 27/09/24 the Programme of Political Science organized GMUN (Guru Nanak College Model United Nations) for the first time in the campus. Around 230 students across departments participated in 5 different committees and had strong deliberations on various global issues.
Date: August 03, 2024
Our second year Social Work students conducted the Community activity program with the title Awareness on importance of education for community children at Gananpathy Nagar, Kamarajapuram, Velachery. Mrs.Sangeetha , Anganwadi Teacher was the resource person. She spoke about good habits, respecting elders, parents, and teachers, and managing time between play and study. Puppet Show was conducted by the MSW students focusing on the importance of education.
Date: July 26, 2024
Our second year Social Work students conducted the Community activity program with the title Awareness on importance of book reading and education for Government middle school children and their parents at Kallukuttai, Chennai. Mr. Sam M Sperjen , CSR Officer, Equitas, an Alumni of MSW Department was the resource person. The awareness program created an impact among the children and parents as they were explained about the importance of reading books and education. The MSW Students also donated books to the school library and plant saplings to the school.
Date: July 18, 2023
Programme: MSW
Resource Person: Ms. Lichu Bharath Sangeeth, Team Member, GOONJ, Kovilambakkam
Mr. Pruthviraj Shete, Fellowship Member, GOONJ, Kovilambakkam
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 35
The progamme on Knowing Goonj and mindful giving is being led by Ms. Lichu Bharath Sangeeth, Team Member, and Mr. Pruthviraj Shete, Fellowship Member, GOONJ, Kovilambakkam.
Students interacted with the resource person.
Date:August 30, 2022
Programme: MSW
Resource Person: Ms. Priya Juliet, Director of Operations, India Invisible Girl Project, Kanya Raksha Foundation.
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 66
Dr. N. Malathi, Dean School of Humanities gave a short brief about Gender inequality and felicitated the gathering
The Resource person, Mrs. Priya Juliet teach the young adults to fight Female Gender in their family, community and nation, and also showed some of the news article regarding gendercide in India
Students shared their opinion and point out about the issues
Date:December 13-15, 2021
Department:PG Department of Social Work in Association with the Cancer Institute, Adyar
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:2000
Date:November 15, 2021
Department:PG Department of Social Work
Date: August 18, 2023
Programme: School of Humanities
Resource Person: 1. Dr. J.M. Arul Kamaraj, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Loyola College, 2. Dr. S. John Kaviarasu, Assistant Professor, School of Human Excellence, Loyola College
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 191
Programme: MSW
Date: April 6, 2023
Chief Guest: Dr. Nafisa Jeddy, Student Counsellor, Guru Nanak College Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 10 The Resource Individual Dr. Nafisa Jeddy, Guru Nanak College Student Counsellor, was conducted a workshop on Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques. Participation of students in the workshop. Programme: MSW Date: March 2-3, 2023 Resource Person: Ms Sangeetha Chandrasekar, Youth Early Services, Coordinator, SCARF Anna Nagar, Chennai Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 16 The Resource Person Ms. Sangeetha Chandrasekar, Youth Early Services, Coordinator, SCARF Anna Nagar, Chennai explained about peer counselling and its importance in today’s life style. Student Participants of Peer Support Training Programme: Master of Social Work Date: January 23-24, 2023 Resource Person: Mr.Manoj, Co-founder M-Theater, Tambaram, Theater Artist, Actor, Short film director Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 37 The Resource Person Mr. Manoj, Co-founder M-Theater, Short film director leading the session on mime The Resource Person leading the session on street play Students Participation in the Session Participants with the Resource person Mr. Pazhani Aariya, Theater Artist, Associate director and Short film director and the Department faculties Date:March 11 2022
GNC SCARF Peer Support Training
Ms. Vijayalakshmi, Youth Early Services, Social Worker, SCARF Anna Nagar, Chennai
Ms. Anika Salomi, Youth Early Services, Clinical Psychologist, SCARF Anna Nagar, Chennai
Ms. Shruti Rao, Youth Early Services, Psychologist, SCARF Anna Nagar, Chennai
Street Edutainment - Street Theater workshop
Mr.Pazhani Aariya- Theater Artist, Associate director and Short film director
Street Theatre Training
Department:: PG Department of Social Work
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:39
Date:September 01-03, 2021
Department: PG Department of Social Work in Association with the National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:151
CAREER GUIDANCE IN SOCIOLOGY aimed to provide Sociology students with insights into career opportunities.As the field of Sociology continues to evolve and expand, the need for career guidance and mentorship has become increasingly important.In response to this need , the Department of Sociology organized a “Career Guidance Programme” on January 7, 2025,bringing together students and faculty members to explore career opportunities and pathways in sociology. The event was taken over by two guest speakers Dr.Vijaya Venkatesh and Ms.S.A.Angel Merlin. Dr.Vijaya Venkatesh is an accomplished Expert in Social work, Urban planning and Project management whose work has made significant impact on both local and international development projects. Ms.S.A.Angel Merlin is a Student Counselor,works for MOULD NGO(dealing with young adults and Neuro -diverse children) and has teamed with projects for Women Empowerment from rural and urban society.
The Economics Association of the PG & Research Department of Economics organised a comprehensive 5-day Capacity Development Programme titled ‘Research Roadmap: Charting a Path for Career Development and Structuring a Comprehensive Research Proposal’. from September 2 to 6. Prof R Srinivasan, full-time member, State Planning Commission, Tamil Nadu, Prof L Venkatachalam, RBI Chair, Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS), Dr Ravi I, Associate Professor & Coordinator, Centre for Distance and Online Learning, Annamalai University, Dr B Mathavan, Professor and Head, Department of Economics, Annamalai University, were the invited speakers.
The School of Humanities organised a program on ‘Intergenerational Wisdom Sharing’ on September 4. A total of 79 students and staff participated. The event was graced by the presence of the chief guest, Dr K R Gangadharan and Mr Jaganathan, GNC alumni of the 1st batch students of our college (1971).
On September 9, the Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, in collaboration with GNCCOI, hosted a Student Interaction Program in the U.S. Presidential Elections 2024. 931 students from various disciplines including NSS volunteers, NCC Army and Air wing cadets of Guru Nanak College were beneficiaries of the art of diplomacy and statecraft by the practitioners who came as representatives from the US.The US consulate’s public diplomacy officer Mr Eric Atkins, Wilco Consulting Founder and Co-Founder of Tidal Partners Ms Alison Williams, and Global Head of Community Engagement and DEI strategy google Ms Dasheika Ruffin were the chief guests for the event.
The Bachelor’s programme of Sociology facilitated a seminar on the topic “THE IMPACT AND INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON CULTURE” , delivered by Mr Vijay Anand, highly regarded media expert on 28th of August,2024. He threw light on various evolutionary processes through which humans constructed the institution of language and culture. He utilized his skillset to explain the underpinnings of Social Media establishment and it’s deceiving techniques to keep people hooked into it.
Programme: MSW
Date: March 1, 2023
Resource Person: Ms Sangeetha Chandrasekar, Youth Early Services, Coordinator, SCARF Anna Nagar, Chennai
Number of Participants: 22
The Resource Person Ms. Sangeetha Chandrasekar, Youth Early Services, Coordinator, SCARF Anna Nagar, Chennai explained about peer counselling.
Interactive session with the student.
Programme: Political Science and Administration
Date: November 25, 2022
Resource Person: Prof. Dr Ramu Manivanan, Former Head of the Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Madras
Number of Participants: 115
Ms. Rakshana, First year Student, Political Science and Administration Programme welcomed the gathering
Dr. Malathi N, Dean Humanities felicitated the resource person Prof. Dr Ramu Manivanan, Former Head of the Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Madras
The Resource Person Prof. Dr Ramu Manivanan, Former Head of the Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Madras sharing his valuable knowledge to the students
The Resource person Prof. Dr Ramu Manivanan, with the Participants and the staff members
Programme: MSW (Master of Social Work)
Date: October 14, 2022
Resource Person: Dr R Padmavati, Director at Schizophrenia Research Foundation, (SCARF India)
Ms. Sangeetha Chandrasekharan, Project Coordinator, Youth Early Service, SCARF
Number of Participants: 74
Dr K Shanthi, Head, MSW welcomed the gathering
Dr N Malathi, Dean, School of Humanities, felicitated the Resource Person, Dr R Padmavati, Director at Schizophrenia Research Foundation
The Resource Person, Dr R Padmavathi shared her experience as a processor and as the director of SCARF
The Guest of Honour Ms Sangeetha Chandrasekharan, Project Coordinator, Youth Early Service, SCARF was introduced by Ms. Nandhini, I Year MSW Student
Programme:B.A. Sociology
Date:August 18, 2022
Number of Participants:138
Ms. Josephine Maria Bernadette I, Assistant Professor, of B.A. Sociology delivering the welcome address to the gathering
The resource person, Dr. M. P. Damodaran, Head & Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Madras, enlightened the students on the seminar topic
The Resource Person for the 2nd Session Ms. Uma Maheshwari Vasudevan, Founder, K S Welfare Trust enlightened about the role of indigenous women in the preservation and transmission of traditional knowledge
The Resource Person Dr. M. P. Damodaran, Head & Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Madras was felicitated by Dr. N. Malathi, Dean Humanities
The Resource Person Ms. Uma Maheshwari Vasudevan, Founder, K S Welfare Trust, was felicitated by Dr N.Malathi, Dean Humanities
Department:PG Department of Social Work
Date:March 19, 2022
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:51
Department:PG Department of Social Work
Date:March 18, 2022
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:53
Department:PG Department of Social Work in collaboration with National Institute of Social Defence, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India and Heritage Foundation Regional Resource and Training Centre, India.
Date:March 17, 2022
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:45
Department:PG Department of Social Work along with IQAC in association with Greater Chennai Police and MS Chellamuthu Trust & Research Foundation.
Date:November, 20 2021
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:300
Department of Economics |
Month & Year | Title of the Book / Chapter |
2005 | A Text Book of Environmental (UGC - Unified Syllabus for UG Courses). Sultan Chand Publications, New Delhi. Dr. C. Murthyv |
2009 | Research Methodology. Vrinda Publications, Delhi. Dr. C. Murthy |
2014 | Research Methodology in Management. Vrinda Publications, Delhi. Dr. C. Murthy |
2014 | Insurance and Risk Management. Vrinda Publications, Delhi. Dr. C. Murthy |
2015 | Business Research Methods. Vrinda Publications, Delhi. Dr. C. Murthy |
2016 | Micro Economics. Vrinda Publications, Delhi. Dr. C. Murthy |
2017 | Macro Economics. Vrinda Publications, Delhi. Dr. C. Murthy |
2021 | Micro Economics, Revised. Vrinda Publications, Delhi. Dr. C. Murthy |
2011 | Urban Transport: Tamil Nadu perspectives. Book Well, New Delhi Publications. ISBN:978-93-80574-24-0. Dr. N. Malathi |
2012 | Impact of Globalisation on Developing Countries with special reference to India. (Book: Innovative Strategies for Corporate Management in the Globalised Scenario). Dr. N. Malathi |
2018 | Impact of New Economic Policy on Environment and Green Growth. ISBN 978-3-659- 26231-9. Dr. N. Malathi |
2019 | University of Madras, Correspondence Course (M.A., Economics)- Study Material for Public Finance-II. Dr. N. Malathi |
2019 | University of Madras – Correspondence Course – B.A., Economics – Study Material for Indian Economy-II. Dr. N. Malathi |
Mar-2021 | Business Economics. Mangalam Publishers, New Delhi, ISBN-978-93-86123-78-7. Dr. J. Sivashankar |
Feb-2021 | Marketing Management. ANVI Books and Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN-978-81-950267-4-6. Dr. J. Sivashankar |
Apr-2018 | Internal Migration of Construction Workers in Chennai City (Comparison between Tamil Migrants and North Indian Migrants in Chennai City of Tamil Nadu), Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN-978-613-9-82513-4. Dr. J. Sivashankar |
Jan 2019 | Indian Economic Development – MA Economics (IDE Course Material), University of Madras, Chennai- Institute of Distance Education Text Book Dr. S. Ulaganathan |
Apr 2021 | Public Finance I – MA Economics (IDE Course Material), University of Madras, Chennai. Institute of Distance Education Text Book. Dr. S. Ulaganathan |
Jun-2021 | Public Finance II – MA Economics (IDE Course Material), University of Madras, Chennai - Institute of Distance Education Text Book. Dr. S. Ulaganathan |
2020 | International Economics-I Text Book-Study Material for M. A., Economics, published by Directorate of Distance Education, University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Dr. A. Jagan Gopu |
2019 | Indian Economy Text Book Study Material for M. A., Economics, published by Directorate of Distance Education, University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Dr. A. Jagan Gopu |
2016 | Chapter in Book: History of Organic Farming in India, Silhouette of South Indian History, Archaeology, Epigraphy, Culture & Tourism, University of Madras, ISBN No – 978-81-930-475-8-3, pp. 310-311. Dr. A. Jagan Gopu |
2015 | Chapter in Book: Agriculture Labour Migration Scenario on Human Rights Perspective, Book Name: Human Rights in India Awakening, Kongunadu Publication India Pvt. Ltd. 2016, ISBN 978-81-931594-2-2, pp. 60-65 Dr. A. Jagan Gopu |
2016 | Chapter in Book: The Spirit of Tamizh King with Reference to Rajendra Cholan I War Life, Silhouette of South Indian History, Archaeology, Epigraphy, Culture & Tourism, University of Madras, Oct 2016, ISBN No – 978-81-930-475-8-3, pp. 102-105. Dr. A. Jagan Gopu |
2012 | Chapter in Book: Organic Farming an Overview in India: A Descriptive Study, Indian Council of Historical Research, University of Madras, November 2013. ISBN No. 978-93 – 81992 -94 -4, pp. 100 – 107. Dr. A. Jagan Gopu |
2021 | Rural Economics-VR1 Publication, Chennai. Dr. K. Santhosh Krishnan |
2021 | Micro Economics-Vrinda Publications, Delhi. Dr. K. Santhosh Krishnan |
2021 | Macro Economics-Text Book-Study Material for M.A. Economics, published by Directorate of Distance Education, University of Madras, Chennai. Dr. K. Santhosh Krishnan |
Department of Defence & Strategic Studies |
Month & Year | Title of the Book / Chapter |
2013 | India's Quest for Energy Security in the Indian Ocean Region. (Book: India and Southeast Asia in IOR: A Crystal Gazing). Dr. O. Nirmala |
2014 | India's Energy Need and its Repercussion on Environmental Security- A Case Study of Sarda Sarovar Dam on Narmadha River (Book: The Unrecognised Peril: Threats to Environmental Security) Dr. O. Nirmala |
2017 | Significance of Nuclear Energy in Sustainable Development: An Indian Perspectives, (Book: India's March Towards Development -2030 Issues and Challenges). Dr. O. Nirmala |
2018 | Module: Military History of the Colonial Era (Book: Military History). Dr. O. Nirmala |
Mar-2015 | China in Transition: Implications for Asia. Chennai Centre for Asia Studies. ISBN 978-81-92128-77-1. Dr. G. Thanga Rajesh |
Jun-2017 | Conflict Resolution Imperatives in the South China Sea. Chennai Centre for China Studies. ISBN 978-93-86288—71-4. Dr. G. Thanga Rajesh |
Jun-2014 | The Current Status of Dalit Christians in Tamil Nadu in Edited book, Astral International Pvt. Ltd. Publication, ISBN: 978-93-51306-30-6 Dr. S. Yesu suresh Raj |
Title of the Projects | Funding Agency | Amount | Type | Status | Duration | Sanctioned Year | Investigator |
Economic Assessment of Ecosystems Services of Pallikaranai Wetland in Chennai Metropolitan Region | Malcolm & Elizabeth Adiseshiah Trust | 1,00,000 | Minor | Ongoing | 1 Year | 21-12-2021 | Dr Malathi N |
Accessibility of Rural Banking Credit and Farmer's Livelihood in Tamil Nadu | ICSSR New Delhi | 3,00,000 | Minor | Ongoing | 1 Year | 08-07-2019 | Dr. K. Murugan |
Mr. D S Murugan Yadav an active member of Student Research Club of III B. A. Defence and Strategic studies (2018- 2021 Batch) presented a Research paper entitled “Ensuring National Security through Island territories: Islands as Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier” won the prestigious Field Marshal Manekshaw Essay Competition Award (FMMEC) and cash prize on the theme “National Security and Strategic Studies for the AY 2020 – 21 by the Indian Army’s Research Think Tank, Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS), New Delhi”. He received the award from General M M Naravane, PVSM AVSM SM VSM ADC, 27th Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) of the Indian Army on 24th November 2021 at India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi.
The Field Marshal Manekshaw Essay Competition (FMMEC) as it is popularly known as is awarded to commemorate India's Grand Strategist of 1971 war, Field Marshal Sam Hormusji Framji Jamshedji Manekshaw, Military Cross or popularly known as Sam Bahadur. The award is symbolic to the Field Marshal's vision, vigour and indomitable courage shown during various stages of his life. Aimed to inculcate strategic thinking amongst the youth and to provide a better platform to the youth particularly to the university students, CLAWS under the patronage of Indian Army has been reaching out to over 900 universities in the country which include central, state, private and deemed-to-be Universities. The Award is jointly funded by the, CLAWS and 8 Gorkha Rifles, the Field Marshal's Regiment of the Indian Army.
At the end of the program the students will be able to:
Mr.S. Santhosh Kumar of I Year M.A. Economics secured the Second Place in poster making competition organised by Regional Outreach Bureau and Press Information Bureau on the occasion of National Women's Day 2021.
Divya Gayathri of I Year B.A. Economics has received the Consolation Prize in the poster making competition organised by the Regional Outreach Bureau and Press Information Bureau, on the occasion of National Women's Day 2021.
Akshaya S of II BA Economics secured cash prize on elocution competition of RBI Programme on Banking Ombudsman Scheme
Vishnu S of III B.A. Economics secured cash prize on essay competition of RBI Programme on Banking Ombudsman Scheme
Mr. D S Murugan Yadav an active member of Student Research Club of III B. A. Defence and Strategic studies (2018- 2021 Batch) presented a Research paper entitled “Ensuring National Security through Island territories: Islands as Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier” won the prestigious Field Marshal Manekshaw Essay Competition Award (FMMEC) and cash prize on the theme “National Security and Strategic Studies for the AY 2020 – 21 by the Indian Army’s Research Think Tank, Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS), New Delhi”. He received the award from General M M Naravane, PVSM AVSM SM VSM ADC, 27th Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) of the Indian Army on 24th November 2021 at India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi.
The Field Marshal Manekshaw Essay Competition (FMMEC) as it is popularly known as is awarded to commemorate India's Grand Strategist of 1971 war, Field Marshal Sam Hormusji Framji Jamshedji Manekshaw, Military Cross or popularly known as Sam Bahadur. The award is symbolic to the Field Marshal's vision, vigour and indomitable courage shown during various stages of his life. Aimed to inculcate strategic thinking amongst the youth and to provide a better platform to the youth particularly to the university students, CLAWS under the patronage of Indian Army has been reaching out to over 900 universities in the country which include central, state, private and deemed-to-be Universities. The Award is jointly funded by the, CLAWS and 8 Gorkha Rifles, the Field Marshal's Regiment of the Indian Army.